Chapter 22

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It was Monday. Ugh I hate Monday's. I got ready and headed to class. I've been avoiding almost everyone lately especially Kendall. I couldn't face her. I got to the classroom and I actually got there early too. I say all the way in the back and put my head down and thought about everything that's happened from middle school to now. To the day I met alec. That day. "Let's go in here it's early" I heard a female voice say. The door opened and I didn't look up but I heard lips smacking together so I decided to look up and my heart shattered the only and last piece left broke. Alec and Kendall were having a heavy make out session. I saw his hand travel up his shirt then her hand traveled up his shirt . "Wow get a room no?" I said with tears in my eyes. They pulled apart fast
"Isabella" Kendall said worried and embarrassed while alec on the other hand just stood there with an emotionless face. I ignored her and walked out I'm positive she saw the tears in my eyes and so did alec. "Bell!" She yelled and I ran. I went to the place our place. Me and Alecs.
Alecs POV
I saw her before but I decided to make her feel like shit like she made me feel. I knew it was wrong but honestly right now I hate her. Fuck I even cried and she was heartless. she told us to get a room and her eyes were watery her usual bright brown eyes looked dull and tired. She ran out. "She still has feelings for you." Kendall said. "I doubt it cause I don't but I'll go talk to her" i said as I kissed her lips real quick and left. Where would she go? I went to her dorm and checked everywhere and didn't find her. The only place I didn't look was at our place. Of course! I ran and I went up the stairs quietly and I saw her. Her knees up to her chest and she was crying silently and she was shaking violently. I've never seen her like this. I shouldn't care though I mean fuck her. But you still do my conscience said. "Isabella!" I yelled and pretended that I didn't see her and she quickly whipped her self off and tried to stop shaking. "What do you want?" She asked me angrily trying to cover up as if she wasn't crying like a couple seconds ago. "Damn why are you such a bitch??" I asked her.
"Cause I am the fuck. Is that what you came here to ask me?!"
"No actually I was going to tell you to stop making Kendall feel bad since she saw you crying or about to cry when you saw us. Like what the fuck do you want that much attention?!"
"I don't want attention and I don't need it like you and I don't care what you and Kendall do anymore! Anyways why would I?? I don't love you anymore. I hate you."
Damn that hurt. It hurt to head her say that she didn't love me but she hated me.
"Wow good cause I don't love you anymore either. That's why I stopped trying to get you back. Hell I don't even care about you!" I screamed at her. Her eyes started watering but then those soon to fall tears disappeared.
"Haha shit I stopped caring about you since the day I found out about your stupid bet with chase I stopped caring about a lot of shit when I found out about that!"
"Good" I said while laughing. I was laughing so my feelings wouldn't show she couldn't see what I was really feeling.
She also had an emotionless face. I couldn't read her. All I saw were her eyes that looked so dead. I walked away from her after that I was furious! I needed a drink or two or three or more.
Isabella's POV
He told me he didn't care. He told me he didn't love me that he hated me as well. He laughed instead. He enjoyed my pain. But yet I still love him and I think I always will. I told him lies pure lies but I bet he told me truth pure truths. I lied to him cause I wasn't gonna let him see what I was feeling or what I was thinking. I couldn't let him in again. I spent the rest of the day up here and didn't come down until I saw it was 10:00pm. I went downstairs and before I went to bed I had 3 shots. I reached my bed and the besties were asleep. "Martinez!" They both whispered yelled. "Alex came by and told us some news about today." Nevaeh said. "Is he stalking me??" I asked.
"Probably" Mercedes said.
"Now explain" they both said at the same time.
**after hours of explaining**
"That's messed up"
"Yup" I said as I tried not to cry. But they saw the tears before they even fell and tackled me by hugging me and telling me everything was gonna be okay. I cried for a while and they were just silent. We all ended up falling asleep at some time cause we all woke up the next day tried and saw we were hella late for class. "We might as well not go" Mercedes said.
"Right" me and nevaeh said.
"Let's watch movies and get ft the whole day!" Mercedes and Nevaeh said.
I laughed and agreed. The whole day was spent talking Netflix and eating at some point the rest of our friends joined us except for griffin she was somewhere with Drew and Kendall was with alec. By the end of the day I felt great. I talked everything out and it felt nice. It felt to have great friends like the ones I have. I could do it now. I could do whatever I wanted to alec and my bad ass was about to strike starting tomorrow. I'm gonna rebel and I'm gonna flirt. It's gonna go back to the way it started in the first week of school with alec but more intense. He was going down , I still loved him but a part of me hated him. Alec your life is about to get more complicated. I thought and before I knew it I was knocked out.

I love you but I hate you badboyWhere stories live. Discover now