The agrument

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"Okay go Isabella! Go check if they're there" Mercedes said. We've been arguing for at least 1 hour for who should go outside to check if they're out there and they keep saying I should go. HA! They're so funny but you know what I'm not scared so I'm just gonna go. " FINE. I'll go you guys are booty cracks." "Okay dude don't die " " wow thanks Mercedes that's so nice of you to say." **note the sarcasm** once Nevaeh opened the door they all just pushed me out and locked the door. How could they??! I thought hey we're my friends. I started to walk slowly and I saw that they weren't even here. So just as I was about to turn around I felt someone grab me I screamed and they put they're hands on my mouth. Omg I think I'm gonna die !! "You're not gonna die but you will if you don't shut up!" I heard a familiar voice say. "Open your eyes Isabella" I did as I was told and I saw Alec and may I say he looked mad asf. "Wow I liked the game that you played with me. What was it called messing with the badboys emotions?? I got to admit you're very good at playing it. Is this what you did in 6 and 7 grade too?? Cause if you did I can tell you, you did very good. You confused the fuck out of me. You see I tried figuring you out." He said as he started backing up and then he turned around and punched the wall. I never seen him like this before. " Now you wanna play this stupid game with me again ??okay fine Isabella Martinez you've started this game lets see if you can finish it without catching feelings no?!" He said mad and then he started smirking. I was honestly was speechless and mad now. "What the fuck are you talking about Alec ?! I started playing this game this year and you know why don't you go fuck your side hoes and leave me the fuck alone and I don't why the fuck you're so mad when you're the main player that messes with other girls emotions and fucks them then just leaves them like they're trash and now you know how they feel!" " Why don't you shut the fuck up? Why did you even come back im pretty sure all of us were better off without you!!" He yelled. wow okay that hurt. "You see I wouldn't have if I didn't have too and the only fucking reason I'm here is because of my dads work but don't worry hopefully I'll be out
Of your life again soon!! "Good I'll make sure to throw a party for it and I'll even get my dad to announce it to the whole world that Isabella Martinez is finally out
Of my life!!" " oh yeah I forgot you're a spoiled little dick head that goes to his dad for help since he's the governor! Hmm I wonder what he would think if he found out that his son smokes weed and drinks!" "Why do you care about what I do??" "Haha you're so funny Alec cause I don't care." "Are you sure about that??!" He yelled/asked as he pushed me up against a wall. Omg is this real this Is happening I'm arguing with Alec the boy I've liked since 6 grade and he pushed me on the wall. " who do you think you are pushing me against this wall?! What did it get to you that you're dads the powerful one and your just there??" That pushed his last button he grabbed me and shook me and yelled " SHUT THE FUCK UP! You don't know shit! You're the one thats just fucking there! You know what ! Why don't you just fuck off??!!" And with that he let go of me and stormed off. What the hell just happened? I felt my eyes tearing up, "no Isabella you're not gonna cry
You're okay , you're gonna be okay, don't listen to him he's a dick, get it together Martinez get it together" I told myself and I heard Abigail ,Nevaeh and Mercedes calling me. As I walked towards them Abigail gave me a suspicious look and Mercedes did too and I just smiled at them. I looked at Nevaeh and she had that look like you're gonna tell me what happened cause that smile is so fake kinda look. But I just kept smiling as we talked and then aftere and Nevaeh were left alone and I told her everything I had
Tears in my eyes by then again. "BOOTYY u ok?? How dare he touch you?! " " Yeah I guess" I replied with a small smile she always finds a way to make me smile no matter what. "I mean he is a dick and his dick is probably tiny too so you know. I'm gonna be okay." I said with confidence and I even knew that I wasn't at that moment I really hoped I would be.

( this chapter was a bit intense but I hope you guys still like it )

I love you but I hate you badboyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora