Almost discovered

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(Picture of alex )

I ended up skipping the whole day to clean up Alex. He's showered, has food in his stomach and now he's telling me about everything he's done. He's a trouble maker and I had to shush him at least 100 times cause he was to loud. He also told me that he always sneaked into the school and took the extra food. " How come I never saw you before?" "Cause I was always hiding and I'm very good at it" he replied. "Oh tru". "And good looking;)" he added. i laughed and said," oh gosh but yeah you are a very handsome little boy." "I'm not a little boy ,I'm a big boy! I have tooken care of myself for a month now so I'm a big boy!!" A month he's been alone. I'm not gonna let him be alone ever again. "Okay dude whatever you say." "I like your friends. They're nice and pretty like you." "Haha thanks.. Child those are my craziest friends. Wait until you meet Kendall,Marie,griffin and Abigail." "That's a lot of people, are you sure they'll keep our secret ??" "I'm positive and if they don't I'll make they're lives miserable. I promise." "Why are you helping me?" He asked and that caught me off guard. "Cause I don't want a 9 year old all alone in this type of world we live in. I don't want you to be or feel alone or lost." "Oh." "Yeah" "I'm tired." He said. " The beds right there go lay down." "Don't leave me like my parents did please." Ugh don't cry Isabella don't cry. "I won't. I'll be right here." "Okay." "Okay. Now take a nap" he ended up falling asleep. This boy has been through a lot. While he slept I put my stuff from my suitcase into my closet. I forgot all about that as I was doing that I noticed its 3:45. Classes should be over soon. I went to go check on alex and he wasn't there. Oh crap where did he go. Please don't tell me he went outside I specifically told him to stay here. "Alex!" I whisper shouted. "Dude where'd you go?!" Nothing. Oh great. Now I have to look for him. Nevaeh and Mercedes walked in. "Where's alex?" Mercedes asked. "Uhh weeelllllll you see what happened was that he told me he was a tired so I let him take a nap and I went to put all my stuff in my closet and when I came back to check on him he wasn't there." "How the hell do you lose a little boy??" Nevaeh asked. "I dunno" "well let's go look for him before administration finds him or something." Mercedes said. Right when we were about to leave the window opened. We all looked at Eachother and grabbed something to hit whatever or whoever just opened the door. "We got weapons!! And a comb!" I yelled. "I GOT FOOD!!!" A well familiar voice said. "omg quiet down before the other people hear you child where the poop did you go???!" He started giggling and said,"poop? No I went to get some food I was hungry." "dude you could've gotten caught" Mercedes said. "Ah don't worry guys I'm very good at this stuff see I'm still here." He said as he munched on chips. "God bless your soul" Nevaeh said. "Okay we're gonna go get my work from the classes i missed. STAY HERE and don't make too much sound." "ok ok ok" he said. We left and walked down the stairs. Mercedes and Nevaeh went to go hang out with chase and them. So I'm all alone yay!*note the sarcasm* "where were you the whole day?" I heard Alec say. "Why do you care Alec" "I don't I just was wondering cause you were in the first class and then never came back. And Nevaeh and Mercedes were really late." "Well it's none of your business" "stop talking to me like that!" He said and he grabbed my wrist while I was about to walk away. " wtf let go of me you fuck tard." "Haha no you should know who you're messing with". " Why the fuck are you threatening me for ???" "I'm not threatening you I'm just warning you." "You know what I'm not scared.". "hahaha you should be darling cause I can get people to hurt you this quick with little money." "Hahahahaha look how scared I am!!" I laughed with bitterness. he pushed me against the wall and pressed his body on me taking my breath away literally. "Get off of me I can't breathe!" I yelled but he just pushed harder so I kneed him in the balls. "You dick! that's what you fucking get!" "you bitch your gonna pay!" He
Said as he started getting up. Oh shit! I started running and he was right behind me. Okay these shoes aren't helping me. I was in the garden pretty away from the school when caught up to me and tackled me to the ground. "Ahhh!!" "Your gonna pay Isabella!" Oh gawd okay now I'm scared. I didn't let him know though. We were rolling on the ground and then we ended up rolling down a hill. I was dizzy and he took that advantage and rolled us so he was on top of men "GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME!" I yelled. "You should've thought about what you were gonna do before you did that! Now you're gonna pay." What he hell does he mean by that??? " What??? Are you gonna hit me??? Go ahead I wanna see if you have the fucking guts you fucker!" Next thing you know he's off of me and I see alex on top of him punching him! "What the hell you again??! I told you leave me alone!" I heard Alec yell. Again? What does he mean by that?? Alex didn't say anything and he punched Alec in the face. Alec looked mad I have to do something gosh this child is always getting into trouble!! I ran to him and pulled alex off. "Stop Alex stop that's enough!"he stopped struggling and ran. I let him go and Alec was about to go after him and I stopped him. "that boy he's the boy that always pranks me and he punched me in the stomach after I gave him food and he kept talking to me!! You know him don't you Isabella??!!" Shit. He's the least person that I want to let them know about Alex. "No why would I know him??" "you called him alex!" "Soo!! Doesn't mean I know him his name Couldve been chad,Pablo,Juan, or maybe even joe!!" I said innocently. "You think I'm stupid he defended you too.I wonder what mr.salazar would say if he heard about you hiding a little boy on campus." Omg what have you gotten yourself into isabella. "You don't have any proof that there is a boy or that I'm the one "hiding him" on campus." "You better watch your back cause I'm not gonna stop until I find who that boy is and who he belongs too." And with that he walked away. Wow Alec has changed a lot. I ran back to my dorm and looked for Alex and he wasn't here! Uhh now I have to watch out for him more and for myself. Cause Alec looked serious and I don't think he cares about what happens to me. I have to tell Nevaeh and Mercedes so I texted them and when they got to the room I told them everything that happened. "We're screwed if Alec finds out" Nevaeh said. "Yeah aw man. I actually like that little boy." Mercedes said. "Right and I don't want to leave him he's grown on me." " Us too " Nevaeh and Mercedes said. "What happened to Alec he use to be so nice and now he's just so cruel." "Ikr" Mercedes and Nevaeh said. I wonder what happened to him. Now he's just a heartless dick head. And sadly my mind still thinks of him at night and finds all the good things in him even after what he's done and said to me. "We were almost discovered" Nevaeh said. "he doesn't have any proof against me or any of you guys but yeah almost and we can't let him discover us completely or were screwed." "Yeah and alex wherever you are don't get caught, take care of yourself dude. " Mercedes said and that was the last thing any of us said and we were all in our different little worlds. Please take care of yourself alex I thought don't get caught I can't lose you.

( not sure if this is a good chapter but yeah )

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