Chapter #4 The Bell Test

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When Sasuke got to the training ground, Naruto was already there, sitting down leaning against a tree with his eyes closed, obviously meditating. Sakura appeared about five minutes before five, she tiredly fawned over Sasuke -who was masterfully ignoring her.

"You're late!" Sakura yelled at Kakashi who was five hours late, as he finally arrived at ten.

"Sorry, a black cat crossed my path so I had to take the long way where I promptly got lost on the path of life." He lied lamely.
"Liar!" Sakura accused while pointing her finger at him, to which he just waved off as Naruto opened his eyes and stood up.

"You're all here, good. We can get started." Kakashi placed a clock on top of one of the wooden posts.

"Huh?" Asked a confused and tired Sakura. Naruto rolled his eyes, wondering about the competence of his female teammate.

"Your objective is simple. Get one of these bells from me." Said Kakashi while holding up two bells.
"That's all there is to it. If you get a bell you pass but fail to get a bell then you fail for failing the mission."

"So the one, two, or three of us that doesn't get a bell goes back to the academy?" Asked Naruto got clarification.

"That's right " Sakura started to freak out.
"What? We all won't pass?"
"That's what I said." Kakashi confirmed.

"If you are not prepared to kill me, you won't get a bell. Come at me with the intent to kill, use your ninja tools."

"But sensei, those are dangerous."

"Sakura, weren't you listening yesterday? He's one of the strongest Jounins in the leaf. We can't touch him."

"Those that fail to get a bell will be tied to those stumps and denied lunch, you'll have to watch will I eat my lunch in front of you."

Sakura and Sasuke's eyes widen at this, while Naruto simply looked unfazed. He looked at the other two feigning confusion.
"What's the matter, didn't you two eat breakfast?"

Sasuke and Sakura glared at Naruto.

"No! He told us not to eat." Yelled Sakura.

"He did? It sounded more like a suggestion to me. Will points be deducted for misinterpretation?"

"No. My instructions to not eat was a suggestion, not an order. You interpreted it correctly. Now if there are no more questions I would like to get started. I have other things to do you know."

"So sorry to keep you from your precious reading time." Naruto apologized under his breath.

"I heard that." Kakashi chastised.

In a flash of red Naruto appeared behind Kakashi with a kunai at the ladder's throat.

"Naruto what are you doing!" Sakura yelled.

"Don't be in such a rush-" said a voice behind Naruto, when he turned he saw Kakashi holding a kunai to his head. "- I haven't said start yet."

"What? That's a clone but it's solid?" Sakura was very confused.

"The shadow clone Jutsu, it's a Jounin rank Jutsu that creates physical copies of oneself." Informed Sasuke.

"Funny I wasn't aware that Shinobi waited for a start." Said Naruto before he poofed into smoke. Kakashi looked up to see Naruto sitting on a branch before he jumped to the ground.

"At least one of you is competent. They don't. But let's wait for one anyway. Start."

Sasuke and Sakura jumped into the trees while Naruto stayed put.
"Aren't you going to hide?"
"What's the point? You would know where we are at any point in time. Also, I would like to test my ability against the leafs Copy Ninja."

"Very well, Ninja Art Number one." Kakashi said as he dug his hand around his Shuriken pouch.

"Taijutsu." Naruto finished Kakashi's sentence. Kakashi pulled out an orange-covered book and started reading it.

Naruto took advantage of Kakashi underestimating him and quickly ran to him and engaged in a Taijutsu match, making the Jounin discard his book. After a little break in their fight, a set of Shurikens embedded themselves into Kakashi.

Naruto used the distraction of Sasuke now fighting Kakashi in a Ninjutsu battle after the ladder used a replacement Jutsu on a log, to escape to the woods. He knew Sasuke wasn't going to agree to team up with him, he wanted to wait until after Kakashi dealt with him before asking Sasuke. Sakura however was still in the woods and might team up with him. A shriek was heard in the distance and Naruto turned around going back to help Sasuke instead of dealing with Sakura. He made it in time to see Sasuke get dragged down to the Earth.

"Headhunter Jutsu. An earth style, hmm I should start training in a third Chakra nature soon, Earth could come in handy, and that Jutsu would be great in tandem with my clones." Naruto started walking toward Sasuke's head sticking out of the ground after Kakashi disappeared.

'Probably looking for me, guess he can't sense my Chakra.'

"Want some help?" He asked the head. After much reluctance, Sasuke nodded. Kakashi reappeared just as Naruto got Sasuke free, Naruto could feel that Sakura wasn't far behind.

"Sasuke. A Jounin verses three fresh from the Academy Genins, I don't think we can win even if he is completely holding back. But if we distract him while Sakura gets the bells we might pass."

"Only two can pass remember?"

"We'll take a vote who doesn't get the bell afterward, or I can vote myself out right now and take the fall. Whatever it takes for the team to succeed." Naruto and Sasuke worked surprisingly well together against Kakashi, distracting him while a shadow clone filled Sakura on the plan. Right as Sakura was about to snatch the bells Kakashi poofed into smoke revealing it to be a substitution. An alarm sounded.

"Too bad, times up. Looks like you all fail." Naruto lifted his right hand holding on to the two bells. Shocked Kakashi looked at his waist and saw that the bells were gone.

"Very sneaky Naruto. Well, you have two bells and two teammates, who shall you give the extra one to?" Naruto threw both of his teammates a bell.

"Both. I refuse to let a member of my team get left behind."

"But Naruto, I didn't even accomplish my part of the plan. You not only accomplished your part but mine as well, and you came up with the plan. And I can tell that you really want to be a Ninja and to be trained by Kakashi-sensei as well. I'll go."

"You...pass." Cheered Kakashi.


"The purpose of this exam is teamwork I'm assuming?" Asked Naruto.

"Correct. Out of curiosity, how did you know?"

"You said only 9 of the 27 graduates at most can pass, 11 teams of three equal 27 graduates. This means that three is the key point. Also, I've never heard of a squad consisting of a Jounin and two Genins. And finally, the use of two bells instead of one was a huge red flag for me. There's also the fact that a perfect squad consists of four people, not three, but that was a pretty minor detail."

"Well the three of you worked together in the end, so I guess we're a team now. Meet me here at seven tomorrow morning for our team's first mission.

Team 7 dismissed.

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