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my hand held on my chest the pain i felt at this moment was heart wrenching i felt SHATTERED i felt as if my world had been snatched from underneath my feet and now i was floating in a void fearing where i'm going next and what was going to happen to me. Why'd she do this to me?

A mother a woman whose meant to guide her daughter through life hold her in her arms in her darkest moments, tell her everything was okay when in fact it is not. I can't keep doing this.

my mother always fucked up on drugs bringing countless men into our home like she's some sort of fucking hooker. When they run there rough fingers down my cheek asking if i want to do anything trying to touch me , and all she does is stand across the room. i need to go. and i'm doing it now.

I grabbed a blanket , pyjamas regular clothes in a whole suit case , and underwear makeup , toiletries.

Mandy is calling......

stacie- i'm nearly done mandy, i'll be honestly five minutes then i'll leave.

mandy- okay babe walking now , i promise you everything will get better.

and the phone ended.

I was happy to happy words could describe, mandy mickey and iggy were the only ones living there as i'm pretty sure mickey and iggy killed Terry for molesting mandy and framed it as a suicide but i don't want to talk about that to mandy.

I ran down the stairs there my mother sat on the floor with a white line beside her, and the empty vodka in her hand , she's knocked out clean ,


i said walking out to see mandy outside,

we walked in silence and as soon as we got to hers it was empty boys were out clearly.
mandy helped me sort out our new room iggy even helped set up my new bed before hand. sweetheart.
Mandy managed to find some old stuff so we wouldn't have to share drawers. overall i was happy with the living situation.

it was hot in here. always was probably the amount of smoke surrounding the room. mandy took her top off and stuck a sports bra on , i copied her but i didn't have a sports bra all i had was my bra. so i put my bra and mandy's brown butterfly hoodie on and some short black shorts as the hoodie was long, i left it unzipped forgetting i have roommates.

Me and mandy walked downstairs i opened the fridge for a beer and turned there was iggy and jamie gawking at me.
"stop it you pervs" mandy told the two boys and they sat normally counting money.

In the back he sat on the sofa with his beer and his cigarette draping at his lips, he stared. when iggy and jamie did it i didn't like it. His stare the way he's looking it's dragging me in. one thing you always learn as a female.

He had a cold stare, and a smirk as he saw that i could see him looking.
he got off the couch and came behind me and put his arm over my shoulder and stuck the cigarette over my mouth making me smoke it. His brothers stared up at him, watching how he held himself behind me doing something he never does and giving his smoke away. the whole time the brothers noticed Mickey was mesmerised by how the girl smoked , he didn't notice a smile cracked on his face.
Mickey always stares at me but he never comes over never speaks he's like a mystery. a book with a big lock on it or a red button that has a label saying do not touch. You want to do it.

After the whole ordeal i sat next to mandy all the boys joined and squashed me into mandy.

"someone move or sit on someone else fuck sake my legs are gonna break , i know my ass is flat but i need more room for it" she said i chuckled.

i felt a grip on my wrist. it was mickey pulling me on his lap when i got on mickey everyone moved up mandy sighed over dramatically like she hadn't been able to breathe for years. I sat on his lap my legs between his legs, shit my bobby pin. i reached to get it.


the movement of my hips against mickey must have set his mind places judging by the grunt and the cuss word that came out of his mouth. hearing him moan made me feel warm, when i sat back up every now and then i'd spin my hips on top of him and each time he'd grunt.
this time i made a circle motion with my hips and his head flew back, watching this was magnificent at the least.

"id stop if i was you sweetheart" he whispered into my ear breathing onto my neck lightly, sending shivers up my body. his left hand grazed my upper thigh dotting circles on my revealed leg , and slowly playing with the hem of my shorts, he was making me weak. i somewhat cuddled into him signalling he won, when i layed into him he went red.
his breath got heavy on my neck, i wondered what was wrong, until i realised my hand was on top of his. pee pee. he had the coldest glare on him , he looked like he needed it, i felt bad. i started it.

"mandy, chuck me a blanket legs are freezing"

she through the blanket
"just stick ur head in mickeys t shirt you're nearly there anyways" she said chucking we both flipped her off making her and her brothers laugh as they continued the intense game, mickeys go was next but he declined saying he found them arguing and screaming was to funny to miss.

i pulled the blanket on top of us and palmed him, his breath hitched and he stared into my eyes looking at my lips, knowing he wanted to but he couldn't. I put my hand down his trousers and slowly started to move, and his head swung back multiple times , i sped up and his breath hitched and finally his head did the last roll back signalling he was done
"fucking hell" he spoke

"what" iggy asked him.

"this game is gonna go on all fucking night isn't it" he quickly saved himself

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