Chapter 4

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Vic and I are on our way to the river right now. I'm going to be teaching him how to fish. And I'm rather curious to see how this will play out.

We reach the river in our human forms, and Vic changes soon after, shaking out his brown and white pelt, before padding over to me. I scratch behind one of his ears, causing him to rub his head against my shoulder.

"Okay, you ready for me to teach you how to fish?" I ask. He barks up at me, so I'm taking that as a yes. "Okay, I'll take that as a yes." I say, before walking over to the river's edge, with him following me. "Okay, can you show me what you can do? So I know what I need to teach you?"

He nods, before sitting down, watching the water. I stand back, watching him. He stands up, as he sees a fish swim past, and shoots his paw into the water. But slips on the rocks and falls in, landing on his side round the middle of the river. How he managed to fall that far in, I have no idea. He sits up and spits out some river water that got in his mouth.

I start laughing at him, as he gets up and pads out of the water and over to me, shaking out his fur, causing me to jump back as water droplets splash onto me. "Hey!" I laugh.

After my laughing dies down, I walk over to the river, with Vic sitting down next to me.

"Okay, watch me Vic." I say quietly.

I feel my cat ears and tail start to come out, helping me to sense the fish. My hands start to change into cat paws, as I sit on my knees, still as a statue, as I wait for a fish to come past. "You've got to be really quiet." I whisper.

I stare into the water, my whole body still, not even my tail moving, till I shoot my paw into the water, hooking a fish into my claws as it swims past. I slam it down onto the rocks, killing it instantly. My hands then change back into human hands, and my cat ears and tail begin to retract back into my body. Since I'm a werecat I can control when I want them to show or not. I prefer to not show them when I'm in my human form though. My tall usually gets in the way.

Hold up, why didn't I think of showing the wolves how to fish like this? I completely forgot I can do that. God damnit....

"Do you want to give it a go?" I ask.

Vic stares down at the water, before nodding. "Okay." I say, pushing his back down a little. "You've got to just, sit down, staying completely still." I say, he does what I say, sitting perfectly still, except for his tail that is swishing round on the stones. "Vic, don't wag your tail around." I say. "You've got to be completely still."

His tail falters in moving, and he becomes perfectly still, staring down into the water.

"Okay, now when a fish swims past, you've got to be fast, and make sure they don't sense you first." I said. "And also, if you're a little too slow, it'll alert the other fish. You've got to be fast, so you don't alert the other fish." I say, looking round. "Okay, I can smell a fish swimming up to us."

He keeps looking down at the river, his ears pricking up in alert, and concentration. As soon as the fish gets close enough to us, he shoots a paw into the water, flipping the fish out of the water, and onto the stones. He grabs it in his jaw and sinks his teeth into it to kill it, dropping the fish next to mine, looking at me.

"That was great Vic." I praise him, scratching behind his ear. "Hmm, can I see your paw for a second?" I ask.

He nods, extending a paw out for me to examine. His claws aren't that sharp, rather blunt actually. But werewolf claws are much different from werecat claws. Our claws are much sharper, and depending on who it is, their claws could be much sharper than someone else's. Mine are surprisingly more on the sharper side. I don't know why though. My mother's claws aren't that sharp, and honestly, neither are my father's claws.

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