A/N (Please read this, it's important)

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Well, that was a very sad ending. I must admit, I did cry whilst writing that scene haha. But finally, the 1st season is done and dusted!

However, now that the 1st season is done, I've been hearing and seeing things that speculate that there might be a season 2. There's also theories that Sae-byeok might be alive in season 2, but I find that quite impossible as she lost way too much blood and was literally stabbed in the neck and burned.

Although, if I remember, there was an episode where it showed the players being burned in their boxes. But there was also a lever that pulled a box down underneath it and made it seem like it was being burned. And a lot of people think that because Sae-byeok had her knife on her, that somehow, she had carved her way out. But like I said, that seems impossible.

But you never know with these kinds of shows, they make you think that someone has died, but in like the next episode or something, they suddenly appear alive. Kinda like what happened with 001 or in the other kdrama "Penthouse" where no one hardly stays dead.

But yeah, if there is a season 2, it probably won't be out till late 2022 and by then, people would have probably forgot about it and/or got tired of waiting.

Now, we still have the whole ordeal with Ji-ah's father. As her brother turned out to be one of the guards who got killed in ep3, I'm still hung on who her dad should be. But, since she was stabbed by Sang-woo and is possibly dead, I guess we'll never know. (Unless there's a season 2, then we'll see what happens there.)

But yeah, I hope you have enjoyed this book. I absolutely loved writing it and do hope that there is a season 2 so I can somehow make my OC alive and such.

If you're a fan of Harry Potter, then you're in luck as most of my books are HP fanfics, but to spice it up, I will end up doing other fandoms like Sherlock Holmes, TVD, TO, Shameless, etc. I currently have 3 finished HP books (that'll change as time goes on), but as you're waiting for a possible season 2 of Squid Game, why don't you give them and my other books a read? I can guarantee that you'll like them.

This book will be marked Completed for now until more news and a real confirmation that there will be a season 2.

I hope you have a spectacular day and I love you all ❤💛

- Mia xx

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