The Painting Problem

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Magolor: UGH!!! Ow! Can you believe it, Marx? They found Bandana's bandana in my room and then they accused me! I didn't do anything! First me getting fried alive twice, now I'm getting framed. WHY?! Why do they always accuse me?! In my description in Kirby Star Allies,  they say "is he your ally... or all lies?". Why? WHAT HAVE I DONE WRONG NOW!!! I've properly apologized to Kirby, I built him a theme park, not to mention I've devoted myself to being a seller. I'm good now. SO WHY?! WHY DOES EVERYONE STILL THINK I'M BAD!!! WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY-

Marx: *knocks Magolor out* Geez, Mags. You really need medication. Oh well, time to prank Paint Roller's sister... (Note: ??? is NOT actually Paint Roller's sister, it's just a joke)


Adeleine: *humming* This is going to be the perfect painting!

Then Kirby and Ribbon come, while cuddling with each other (I'm JK lol XD).

Kirby: Hey Adeleine!

Adeleine: Hm *sees Kirby and Ribbon* Oh, hi guys! What are you doing here?

Ribbon: We just wanted to ask you if you wanted to hang out with us and Bandana, since he's still feeling depressed about his bandana...

Kirby: I'll never forgive Magolor. How could he? He knows how attached Bandana is to his bandana...

Ribbon: Yeah, yeah, Kirby. So anyway, do you want to join us?

Adeleine: Sure! I'll do anything to make a friend feel happy!

So Adeleine, Ribbon and Kirby left. Leaving Adeleine's paint supplies and canvases.

Marx: Hee hee hee! Now, let's paint a nice portrait and send it everyone... And since I'm not good at art, I'm hiring someone to do it for me...

Then Paint Roller comes.

Marx: Now...

Paint Roller: I'm getting 500 Gem Apples for this, right?

Marx: Yeah, yeah, I stole some from Mags, he has tons. He won't mind if a few are gone...

With Magolor...

Magolor: WHY??! WHY??! WHYYYYYYYYYYY?????!!!! First I'm being called a bad guy! And now my Gem Apples have been STOLEN!!! WHY DOES THIS UNIVERSE HATE ME??!!! WHHHHHHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY-

Back to Marx...

Marx: So, here's what I want you to paint...

After Paint Roller is done, Marx gives him the Gem Apples.

Marx: Don't tell a soul... or I will put you in a sandwich...

Paint Roller: Uh... I can paint anything into existence, I can literally overpower you...

Marx: Whatever, just don't tell anyone...

Paint Roller: Don't worry, I won't.


Paint Roller: Cross my heart, hope to die, stick a paintbrush in my eye. Is that good enough for you?

Marx: Yeah, that's good... *to himself* Now for the fun to begin! Hee hee hee-

Paint Roller: I'm still here, you know...


Next day...

Adeleine: *humming* I sure hope nothing bad happens to me today-

???: Hey, Adeleine!

Adeleine: Huh? *turns around* Oh it's just you Dedede, with Meta Knight, and Magolor, and Susie, and the mages and Taranza... uh... what's going on... ?

Meta Knight: You know what's going on!

Adeleine: I-

Susie: You sent us all pictures that turned real and it bothered all of us...

Adeleine: No, I didn't-

Dedede: You sent meh a painting of a bunch of glorious food! But when I bit into it... it was actually dirt and I had to get a stomach surgery!

Meta Knight: You painted a picture of that horrifying Susie! I was confused at first, but then it came to life and tried to mechanize me!!!

Susie: *to herself* I wish that could've happened... then my dreams would finally come true...

Magolor: You gave me a painting of a sack with a picture of Gem Apples on it! At first, I thought they were Gem Apples so I opened it and a million spiders crawled out!

Susie: You sent me a painting of a new computer USB, but when I put it into my laptop, it gave it a virus and my whole lab was sabotaged! I lost billions of money!

Francisca: You-

Flamberge: I can't believe what you did!

Zan Partizanne: You sent Lord Hyness a painting of a comic book but when he opened it, it was contained with memes of him being called Squidward!

Taranza: You sent me a painting of Sectonia! But it didn't turn real!

Adeleine: Guys, I didn't do these! I was hanging out with Kirby, Ribbon and Bandana Dee!

Susie: As if, you're going have to repair the damage you've done!

Adeleine: But-

Meta Knight: NO BUTS!!!

Marx: Hee hee hee! Another job well done Marx-

Paint Roller: Actually, it should be "job well done Paint Roller". Since I made all the paintings-


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2021 ⏰

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