Dedede gets obese

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Dedede: Yo Waddle Dees! Why is the food taking so long?!

Bandana Dee: Sorry Great King, there's been an... incident. I'll get you some food right away!

Dedede: Well hurry up! I'm so hungry I could eat Void Termina!

Bandana Dee: We have some leftover turkey. Will that do for now, Great King?

Dedede: Just get it to me! I'm so hungreh!

Bandana Dee goes to the kitchen to get the turkey.

Meanwhile, Marx was overhearing the conversation through the window. An idea struck his head. He flew to the kitchen.

Marx: Now to add the special ingredient to Dedede's turkey.

He took out a bottle called "Obese Sauce". It could make the skinniest person in the world the fattest instead.

Marx (puts a lot of sauce in Dedede's turkey): Hee hee hee! He'll never be able to eat for the rest of his life! He's going to have to do marathons instead! Forgive me, your highness!

Marx used the whole bottle. He then heard Bandana Dee coming so he flew out of the window.

Bandana Dee: Ah, there's the turkey. Great King needs this now!

He grabbed the turkey and served it to King Dedede.


Dedede ate the whole turkey in a few seconds.

Bandana Dee: Did you enjoy your meal, Great King?

Dedede: Yeah! I don't even feel hungry anymore! That turkey was the best thing I ate in my life!

Bandana  Dee: Wow! It's great to hear that, Great King!

Dedede: Yeah, you know what? You can take a day off! You deserve it!

Bandana Dee: Oh, I don't know Great King-

Dedede: I insist! You deserve it!

Bandana Dee: O- okay! Thank you Great King!

Dedede: Aww, you're welcome Bandana!

Then Dedede went to sleep.


Dedede: YAWN! That was a nice nap! Now I need to get up.

Dedede tried to get up, but he couldn't.

Dedede: Eh, that's weird?!

Dedede tries again, but he couldn't.

Dedede looks down to see his immense belly.

Dedede: Eh, what's this? What's happening? YO! WADDLES DEES! META KNIGHT! ANYONE!!! HELP!!!

Waddle Dee: Oh no!

Bandana Dee: Why is Great King so... big?!

Meta Knight: We need to get him to a doctor, NOW!


Doctor: Have been eating anything strange recently?

Dedede: No, just, you know, cakes, burgers, melons... all that stuff.

Doctor: I see.

Bandana Dee: Is he alright doc?

Doctor: Hmm, he's definitely eaten something different, because he's way too fat for anyone to be. What did he eat yesterday?

Bandana Dee: Just a turkey. Then he said he wasn't hungry.

Doctor: Is there any of this turkey left?

Bandana Dee: Sorry, no. He ate it all.

Doctor: I see.

Dedede: Will I be alright, doc?

Doctor: Well, I have good news and bad news.

Bandana Dee & Dedede: What?

Doctor: The good news is that you'll be able to return to normal again.

Bandana Dee & Dedede: *sigh with relief*

Doctor: The bad news is, you'll have to cut all unhealthy foods from your diet, and you'll have to exercise 15 hours a day for the next 5 years.

Bandana Dee: What?!


Dedede screamed so loud that everyone in Dream Land heard him.

Marx: Hee hee hee! Dedede really got pranked. I feel kinda sorry for him though. But now I'm just getting started, the next prank will really make you laugh! MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

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