Chapter 9

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I was on my way over to Ty's home when I got a phone call from Ciara.

"So I have something to tell you!" I was about to reveal my pregnancy.

"What about?" She asked.

"I'm pregnant!"

"You're what?" She asked, shocked.

"I'm having a baby!" I faked smiled as I pulled into the gate to Ty's twelve thousand square feet mansion.

"You're lying!" She paused a few minutes to see if I was joking. "So you serious? Did you tell Future? Did you tell Ty y'all won't work?" She was asking too many questions at once. She already knew that I hadn't done with Ty so she knew it was Future's baby.

"No...You're the only one...." I sighed as I turned off the car and opened the door.

"You have to tell them. How far along are you?" She asked

"Three months!"

"You have to tell them before you find out the sex of your baby!"

"I will! I'll call you later. I'm at Ty's!" I got out the car and hung up before she could respond.

As I walked up to the door, my light green dress blew as a dry gust of wind blew by. I walked up to the door and unlocked it. Ty had given me a key instantly after we started talking.

"Ty?" I called out as I opened the door and walked in.

"I'm in here!" He yelled out. I followed his voice to the dinning room.

"Wow! You made all of this?" I admired the food laid out on the table. All the food was 'fun foods'! There was hot wings, fries,pizza, and chocolate cake.

"Yea, I thought since we always eat pasta and stuff, we could have finger foods." I laughed as he picked up some fries and shoved them in his mouth.

"Hungry ass!" I continued to laugh as I sat my purse down on the table.

"Have a seat, my lady" He pulled out my chair. I walked over to him and took a seat.

"Thank you,sir!" He walked to his seat and sat down.

"Here" he handed me a plate. We both began to throw food on our plates.

"So what'd you do today?" I asked, placing a fry in my mouth.

"Work, then I came home to make all of this. You?" He asked taking a sip of his coke.

"I told you already...." I didn't want to mention that I went to the doctor again.

"Oh yea, I forgot." He nodded his head,remembering that I did tell him. "So have you talked to.....your soon to be ex?"

"I.....ummmm.....yea. When I went to drop Daniel off,I spoke." I bit my bottom lip,but then took a bite of pizza

"Oh. So when are you filing for divorce...." He asked,looking me square in my eyes.

"Let's not talk about him." I tried to change the subject.

"Yea, I don't really want to discuss him either."

The rest of the time we ate, we laughed and talked about things that we'd done. We were really two big kids. We liked to have fun.

We were sitting in his living room talking.

"Why don't you sing for me?" I smiled as I requested.

"Alright, I got you...." He got up from the sofa and walked over to his iHome, where is iPod was plugged in. He pressed a few buttons and suddenly, I heard music coming through the speakers. As soon as I heard the first note, I knew what song it was.

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