Chapter 1

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“Future!” I heard a reporter call out to him. We both turned our heads. He grabbed my hand and we walked over to the direction of the reporter.

“So Future, this is a big night for you. You are nominated for three awards. How does that feel?” The reporter from People asked.

“It feels great. I thank God for this opportunity!” Future commented.

“Do you think you will win?” The reporter asked.

“I pray to God to win, but when they put you next to Jay-Z and Kanye, my chances are slim to none.” He spoke nonchalantly.

“Well the people at are keeping their fingers crossed.” The reporter smiled.

“Thank you!” Future smiled towards the camera. I could tell that he was still upset from our fight earlier. Although he had those glasses on, I could feel the tension in his body language. 

“Your wife is looking wonderful tonight!” The reporter complimented me. The camera-man pointed the camera at me. “Who are you wearing?” He asked.

“Thank you! I’m wearing something from my own collection!” I told him. I was smiling from ear to ear.

“We all can’t wait for the debut of you line. When will it come out?” He asked.

“My line will hit stores in May of 2013!”

“Thank you for chatting with us at! Future, we are cheering for you!” 

“Thank you!” Future smiled at the camera. He quickly pulled my hand and ushered me to the entry of the arena.

“Karlee! Karlee!” I heard someone scream my name. I turned my head to see who was calling me. Future stopped in his tracks knowing I was about to chat with whoever it was.

“Queen!” I screamed. It was Queen Latifah screaming my name. 

“Hey boo!” She greeted me.  She nodded at Future, and he nodded back. “You didn’t return my call?” She questioned.

“Oh! My bad. I’m so sorry! It wasn’t my plan to ignore you. I promise once we get back to Atlanta on Tuesday I will call you.” I assured her.

“Ohkay good. You know I need the dress for my party. We only have a few weeks.” She informed me.

“I told you, I got you. Ohkay let me go. We have to get seated before the show starts.” I told her.

“Yea me too. Don’t forget me!” She yelled walking backwards.  I returned to my husband and we were ushered to our seats. We actually have nice seats this year. 

When we got to our seats I saw that we were seated next to Tamar and Vincent. We greeted each other and took our seats. I sat next to Tamar with Future on my left.  As the show started I continued to play our fight through my head. I was still pissed, but I had to keep face in public. 

Kevin Hart was the host at this year's BET Awards. We all laughed at his jokes. He was clowning everyone. He even got on my husband for all of his auto-tune. I was dead at that one. It’s true; my husband did use way too much auto-tune.  As the show continued we were at “Best New Hip-Hop Artist of the Year”! Future was nominated for this one. I was praying to God that he won. As Kerry Washington and Jamie Foxx stood on the stage and opened the envelope, I was getting extra nervous. 

“And the winner is…………………….” Kerry paused as she opened the envelope. “Future!!!!!” She screamed. I cheered for joy. “Turn on the Lights” began to play as Future stood up, grabbed my hand, and we made our way to the stage. We greeted Kerry and Jamie before Future took the mic.

“Thank you God!” He cheered as he lifted up the award. “First, I want to thank God for making this happen. Second, I would love to think my lovely wife, Karlee, for standing by my side.” He shook my hand. “I know I put you through a lot, but I want you to know that I love you. Third, I would love to thank all of my fans. We did this!” He finished his speech. I heard the audience clapping as we exited the stage. We walked through the back, but Future had to stay backstage because he was performing. As we walked towards his dressing room, I had to ask him a serious question.

“Babe.” I called out to him. He was walking a little ahead of me, making a way through the crowd for both of us.

“Yea?” He called back.

“Did you mean what you said up there?” I questioned. He always said he loved me, but I wanted to know if he meant it or if he wanted me to forgive his ass for earlier.

“Karlee, I meant every word I said. I do love you, and I am so sorry for all of this shit that I’ve been putting you through. If I could take all that shit back, I would.” He pleaded to me. Shit, he convinced my ass. I’m sold. I took a step towards him, and kissed him.

“I love you too, Nayvadius!” We stood there, hugged up for about 30 seconds before we heard someone call out to him.

“Future, you’re up in 15.” He informed him. 

“You need to go take your seat. You know I can’t perform with out you in the audience. I need to see your smile to keep me going.” He tried to sound sweet, but that shit was corny as hell.

“That shit was corny. You can’t even see me with all those damn lights.” I laughed.

“I know, but it sounded good.” He laughed.

“Whatever!” I yelled. I walked back to my seat to enjoy the rest of the show. As I sat in my seat I thought about something. I hope his ass don’t think that he is off the hook? No nigga. You can’t fuck with my heart like that and think a simple as ‘I love you’ will heal that shit. Nope!

His FutureNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ