Chapter 45.

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Hey Guys!!!!

The 45th chapter for the story.

I don't own Mahabharat.

Happy Reading!!


Third POV

"I thought about it, really, but on further thinking I reasoned that it won't work." Karn sighed.


"Because, it affects them. To have so many of soldiers around them, disturbs them, they are distressed of it." Karn answers.

"I can see that happens, but their safety is our priority."

"Their comfort has to be taken in care to, right?" Karn questions.

"What comfort if their lives are in danger?"

"I know. And which is why I was wondering, what if we---" Karn was saying but he was cut off as the gate flied open and a panting man entered.


"What happened, Awasthi Ji?" Karn asked.
What happened that he had to come in the room when Karn had said specifically not to?

"It is Lady Ananya, Maharaj."

Instantly, all the six cousins and Karn perked up. "What happened to her?"

"She is a panic attack." Awasthi Ji breathed.
Karn went flying out of the room.

The cousins of Hastinapur exchanged looks before deciding to follow him, to see if Ananya was all right or not. They all rushed to catch up with Karn.

There was Ananya in a room, sitting on the chair and table, she was asleep there it seems. But she was frowning, in distress. She looked as if in pain. Beads of sweat, enveloped her fore head.

She also seemed to mumble things here and there. Nothing that became very clear to the boys. What happened to her?

"NO!" She shrieked suddenly and instantly Karn was there beside her, trying to wake her up harder. Before he was just calling for this time, he risked touching her, she didn't like it very much, just like before.

He was jerked away from her body. "No... Please ... No."
She continued crying and brawling as she was in the attack.

"ANNIE! ANNIE!" Karn called for her. "Break from it, Anna darling."

But his words were having no effect on her. He was left with one resolve, though it would be difficult in this way.

He cautiously moved towards where she was sitting, weighing her upper body on the table. Slowly and very carefully to only touch clothed part of her body he somehow was able to push her back in the chair

Once on the chair he pinned her hands, using one of his and locked her legs in between his. She shrieked loudly.

"ANNA!" He called.

"NO .... PLEASE .... I DIDN"T DO IT .... NO PLEASE."

"ANNIE!" he called again.

The boys watch in silence as Karn manures around Ananya. They had never seen anybody like this. They were surprised to see Karn hold her that, plus locking her in place?

What happened to her?
Was she ok?
Would she be fine?

"Annie!" Karn shook her to wake her up. "Anna darling! I am here. Your Karn is here. I am Karn, your best friend."

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