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jimin didn't know for how long he had been in the basement. he was freezing without his clothes and it was also so quiet that he could only listen to his own breath.

it felt like an eternity sitting there and doing nothing. jimin was bored and he couldn't fall asleep or do something productive. that was real torture though. he tried to put his thoughts in order but his brain wouldn't let him.

all the things that had happened since the bank robbery and him being kidnapped overwhelmed him all at once. jimin didn't know if they were good or bad ones yet but fact was that he couldn't forget anything that had happened.

but out of all the emotions he felt, fear was none of them. which was weird because those criminals had literally pointed a gun at his face and he could've been shot dead at any time.

another cold breeze struck him and jimin felt goosebumps all over his body. didn't air flow mean that there was a way out? at least that's what he learned from all the survival shows that he'd watched in the past. jimin held his breath, trying to figure out if there was any sound coming from the outside world but there was nothing. maybe the air just came through a small gap in the wall.

thinking about a way to escape made jimin realize that he wasn't ready to die yet. he didn't want to be shot or tortured by any of these people. he didn't even know what they had planned for him.

maybe they would just let him go if he asked nicely...?

jimin almost laughed out loudly because of this stupid thought. as if any criminal's heart would warm up if he kneeled in front of them and begged for his life. it would probably just make them horny. jimin bit his lower lip thinking hardly about another way to escape.

first he had to get rid of the ropes around his hands that were tying him to the chair he was sitting on and also the blindfold covering his eyes. jimin tried to stand up and noticed that the only body parts that weren't tied up were his legs.

even though he was definitely not a sportive type of person he figured that if he could get on his feet he would maybe be able to free himself. at least it was worth a try.

jimin jumped forward, struggling to stand on his own feet but then he finally found his balance.

but he didn't expect the chair to be that heavy so he was slowly pulled down from behind. jimin lost his balance again and fell down on the hard and solid ground.

when he hit the floor he bumped into something hard. a sharp pain spread through his ankle and he screamed out of pain.

blood was pulsing quickly inside his foot but he didn't know if he was bleeding. jimin felt some tears wetting the blindfold. he was so helpless and desperate that his body was acting up by itself.
jimin was crying and sobbing, hoping that someone would help him. he didn't care anymore about the fact that he was kidnapped inside a basement and maybe even close to die but at the same time he did care. it was a weird two faced feeling he didn't quite understand but he knew that it was toxic.

in the distance he heard a door cracking open and footsteps approaching. soon, someone loosened the ropes around his hands so that he could remove them completely as well as the blindfold soaked in tears.

"what the fuck happened," a familiar voice asked, sounding concerned and jimin looked up with half closed eyes, still crying.

it was jungkook who looked at him worriedly. jimin's eyes widened and he tried to get away from the other man, fear taking over his other emotions.

"don't touch me!," he screamed, kicking furiously.

jungkook's face changed immediately and he looked down on jimin angrily.

"who do you think you are," he growled coldly.

jimin swore his heart stopped for a second. jungkook looked very scary and he didn't want to piss him off any more. who knows what he could do to him.

"i-i'm sorry," jimin whispered, not being able to look jungkook in the eyes.

"how dare you talk back to me, huh, you can be lucky to be still alive."

the black haired slapped jimin across the face. the spot where jungkook's hand touched jimin's soft skin was burning like hell and his eyes were filling up with tears again.

jungkook grabbed jimin's throat harshly and then he choked him. jimin felt the oxygen being pressed out of his airways and gasped.

"you should be thanking me for letting you live, i own you now," jungkook grinned and his hands tightened.

jimin's weak attempts to get jungkook's strong hands off of him failed and he was feeling more and more dizzy. the light bulb on the ceiling was fading and blurring and the last thing he saw was the grin on jungkook's face while he was strangling him.

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