The meeting

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"y/n come on wake up you are going to be late" I heard rebekah's voice "5 minutes more please" I mumbled and then my annoying brother kol came in and switched off the AC and poured water on me "omg kol what the fuck I want to sleep let me sleep or else i will rip your heart" I said more like shouted "I am older than you, you can't do anything and elijah won't let you ha" he said "aaahhh you are annoying you don't even let me sleep.
"y/n wake the fuck up now you have a flight" klaus shouted "omg i totally forgot shit i have to freshen up omg fuck fuck fuck what's the time holy shit it's 9 i have flight in 2 hours omg" i freaked out i took my clothes and went straight to the bathroom to take a shower.
*Few minutes later*
I came out brushed my hair went down had my breakfast and elijah said he would drop me to the airport so that nothing happens between the journey. "Elijah Elijah come we have to leave where are you" I shouted "y/n calm down i am coming"

We reached the airport i checked in and boarded the plane it was a 7 hours flight I completed my sleep, ate something and again slept. I reached london now i had to go to some railway station and go to platform 9 3/4 wtf is this there is a platform called 9 3/4 lets just go and see.

I reached the station now i have to find platform 9 3/4, I checked station there is no platform named 9 3/4 then i heard a lady saying platform 9 3/4 I vamp speed and went to her and asked " hello ma'am do you know where platform 9 3/4 is?" she replied "oh yes sweetheart it's that way i saw two people going through the walls first i thought i was seeing thing then the lady Inturrepted my thoughts "so you have to go throught this wall if you are scared just run and if the people see it they will just think they are seeing things" "ok thank you so much" "oh my pleasure" so i ran through the wall and saw a train ancient train which used to be there in 60's and 70's.

"umm hello is it ok if i sit here there are no seats left" i asked "oh sure" the girl replied "i am hermione granger" "nice to meet you i am y/n" "nice to meet you too i am harry potter" "and i am ron weasley" "nice to meet you three, you seem really nice" i said "thank you so much u seem nice too so are you new?" hermione asked "oh yes i am for 6th year" "oh we are for 6th grade too" ron said "oh thats great"i said then a old lady came with a trolly with bunch of sweets and chocolates "hi children would you like something?" she asked "oh ofcourse i am really hungry" ron said "huh, when are you not hungry" hermione said "y/n would you like something?" harry asked "oh no i don't eat sweets" i replied "oh ok" he said then they bought many things and paid for it.

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