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IN WHICH, Tsuyu Asui


WARNINGS, swear words, murder, possessiveness, kidnapping.

NOTE, Tsuyu Asui can steal my heart haha.



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"Tsuu!" A young [Y/N] whined as they frowned and stomped their feet, "I don't think I have a quirk!"

"Why's that?"  Tsuyu, [Y/N]'s friend, asked, tilting her head to the side.

"My quirk isn't appearing and everyone I know has their own quirk already!!" [Y/N]'s cried out as tears started to form around their eyes, "W-What if? What if I'm quirkless?!" They hiccuped.

Tsuyu looked sadly at her friend, "Don't worry. I'm sure you'll get your quirk!" She exclaimed, "And if you don't get one, I'll still be your friend!"

[Y/N] looked to their side, tears brimming their eyes, "R-Really?" 

Tsuyu nodded, "Really."

Tsuyu snapped her eyes open as Shigiraki's raspy voice came in, most likely him cursing out at another League of Villains member.

Growing up, Tsuyu aspired to be a hero but as time passed she realized that this whole society of heroes being looked up was complete bullshit. Why would she look up to people who only have a "We're heroes and we'll gladly help you!" persona? When she realized the hard truth Tsuyu called that hero stuff complete and utter bullshit. 

But there was a friend that Tsuyu all of a sudden remembered in a time like this. She always recalled how they wanted to be a hero who'll risk themselves for the greater good. Back then, Tsuyu supported that idea even though they were quirkless. She never wanted them to feel down but now she wondered where were they.

Were they still pursuing their dreams? Did they give up on the idea and moved on to something else? Tsuyu didn't know but she was itching to know. 

Standing up, she sighed as looked at the LoV one more time and headed towards the computer. She started to look up information about them and realized that they weren't pursuing their dreams of being a hero but instead were dating one. They were working at a local retail shop while their girlfriend was pursuing to be a hero.

Tsuyu felt anger boil inside of her. Not only was she dating a hero, something Tsuyu despised the idea of, but they're forgetting that Tsuyu Asui, her best friend ever since they were kids, existed?! Tsuyu knew she had to do something.

And that something was to kill their partner. After all...

Only Tsuyu Asui can have [Y/N] [L/N].


"[Y/N]! [Y/N]! [Y/N]! Look at this!!" Mina Ashido, [Y/N]'s lover, came in bolting through the front doors of the shop [Y/N] worked at.

[Y/N] looked up, smiling, "What is it?"

"Look!" Mina slammed down the paper as she started jumping down, "We got a vacation and it's even signed from the government!"

They raised an eyebrow, "I'm not sure...Are we sure it's really from the government?" They asked, narrowing their eyes at the paper.

Mina shook her head, "No, look. The stamp, signature, and everything are here! And if it's some sort of trap, I'll take care of it!" Mina gave them that smile [Y/N] loved seeing.

Sighing, they nodded their head, "Alright, alright. We'll go there..."

Mina's eyes lit up, "Yay!" She exclaimed nd tackled them with a hug.


Arriving at the location the map told them to go, [Y/N] felt something odd. Really odd about this place. It was quiet, too quiet for [Y/N]'s liking. Mina pushed it off as [Y/N] being paranoid and although they would agree on that, this place felt, fake.

[Y/N]'s instincts were right.

Not a split second later, a tongue wrapped around Mina's waist and came in multiple knives out of nowhere. Mina tried to free herself but it was too late. The knives already dug into her skin and the tongue hardened itself causing Mina to start suffocating.  [Y/N] ran up to their girlfriend and started to pull out of the knives but Mina's breathing already stopped.

The person came down from their hiding spot, revealing to be [Y/N]'s childhood friend.

"Y-You..." [Y/N] whimpered out as Tsuyu let go of Mina's body. 

Tsuyu smiled at her, ignoring the blood around her tongue. "Ribbit! [N/N]! It's been a long time since we've seen each other!"

[Y/N] started to shake as they started to slowly move back, shaking their hands in front of them, "W-Why...? Why would you kill her?" She sputtered out.

Tsuyu frowned at how [Y/N] was treating her, "I come back into your life and this is what I get...?" She muttered lowly to herself.

"I know...! I missed you but...but! You killed her! I-I don't know why you would do that!" They exclaimed, their vision becoming blurry as tears started to fall.

Already, Tsuyu could tell if they continued, she would get nowhere with her plan. With a small ribbit, she lunged forwards to [Y/N] and knocked them out.


[Y/N] didn't understand why it came to this. Their legs were cut off, they were tied to a chair and in front of them was their friend, or used to be friend, Tsuyu Asui who turned her back and joined the League of Villains. 

With a painful scream for help, Tsuyu, kissed them, ignoring their tears and kicking.

"Ribbit. Join me, [Y/N]...We'll tear this hero society together and we'll be together if you do so. It's a deal you can't decline... Since you're mine now."


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