Chapter 1

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The clock didn't seem to move at school. Nobody talked to me at school expect Cassidy Williams and was just when my mom invited her mom over for dinner.
"Quinn hurry up!" Yelled Cassidy.
That was when I realized that I was jamming my pencil in the sharpener for like 1 minute now.
"Oh um sorry...." I said. I removed myself from the pencil sharpener and sat down at my desk.
Mrs.Calvin my writing teacher walked in the room.
"Girls please sit down sleep are beginning class" said Mrs.Calvin
Cassidy and her friend Eve just rolled there eyes and slugged down at there desk.

The rest of the day went by even slower. I say alone at lunch and continued writing my book. I tripped a couple times and I was just happy when I stepped in my house.

"Hey honey how was school today" said mom.
"Good" I lyed.
"Here I want you to meet my friend Vicky. She wants you to on Good Morning America!!"

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