Chap. 21 Again?

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Christopher had grown up fast. It had already been 5 months, and he was getting big quick. Anna and Hiccup were a happy couple, and Priscilla was happy to have a sibling. Valka was beyond happy to have another grandchild.

Yes. Anna's life has greatly improved. But, she wouldn't help think about how she had felt about marrying Hiccup. She hadn't even wanted to go near him at first. It was bothering her. But, she soon thought of a way to fix it.

Anna's family, on the other hand, were thinking of a way to give Hiccanna a romantic time together.

"We could take them to dinner" Eugene suggested.

"Too generic. Anything else?" Elsa said.

"Why not take them to that that new resort? We could all have a romantic day and night together" Merida said.

Everyone soon agreed it was a great ideas. So, they bribed Anna and Hiccup into coming with them. It was a water park lodge. So, the kids hung out with each other, while the adults did the same.

Later at night, the gang had come up with the prefect plan. They would send Hiccup out to the balcony, which was set up with a romantic theme, and have Anna meet him there. The guys made sure to force Hiccup into a tuxedo.

"Why am I doing this?" Hiccup asked.

"You'll find out! Be patient!" Aster exclaimed, shoving him onto the balcony.

Hiccup sighed, looking at the pretty view. He leaned against the railing, his back towards the door. He suddenly shared the door open and turned around. He was speechless at the sight before him.

"H-How do I look?" Anna asked, smoothing her dress.

She was wearing a white dress, that looked a bit like a wedding dress and ballet dress in one. She also sported a pair of sparkly white flats. Her hair was completely loose, and she had some sparkly eye shadow on.

"You want me to be honest?" Hiccup asked.

"Y-Yes" Anna stuttered nervously.

He took Anna's hands in his own, pulling her close. "I thought you were beautiful on our wedding day. But, seeing you now....that didn't do justice."

Anna's cheeks turned bright pink, and she looked down. He gently pushed her chin back up. Her bright blue eyes stared into his endless green ones. They seemed to sparkle in the moonlight. There was always a certain glint in his eye that spoke of his personality. They seemed to tell his story, just by looking in them.

"May I have this dance, princess?" He asked, offering his hand.

"You may" Anna giggled, doing a curtsie.

Elsa and the others spied on them, seeing they were gonna dance. Olaf rushed over to the orchestra they had hired.

"Hit it, fellas" Olaf commanded.

The conducted nodded, motioning to his group. The orchestra began playing a tune that Merida had picked out. It was very beautiful, and perfectly romantic.

"Gosh, Mer. I didn't know you had such good taste in....romance music" Jack said.

"Well, me and Aster have our moments" She said, leaning her head against Aster's shoulder.

Jack shuddered slightly, but smiled at the same time. They all looked up at Hiccanna, who were still dancing with there heads against each other.

Eventually the others couldn't help but dance too. All the couple's danced with each other. As Hiccup and Anna danced, she decided to ask her question.

"Hiccup?" Anna whispered.

"Yes?" He whispered back.

Anna bit her lip, concentrating hard on her question. "I was wondering....would you mind having another wedding?"

"For who?" Hiccup asked.

"Us silly" Anna giggled.

"Again? How come?"

"Well, our first wedding wasn't that great. I just....feel that it would better for us."

Hiccup thought for a moment, nipping his lip. Having another wedding didn't sound like a bad idea really. He looked up at Anna, who was waiting patiently for him to respond.

"Why not? Sounds like a plan" Hiccup said.

"Really? Thank you, Hiccup!" Anna exclaimed, hugging him tightly.

Hiccup chuckled, hugging back. When Anna pulled back, they looked in each other's eyes.

"When's the date?" She asked.

Hiccup shrugged. They would have to think about it.

Re-Teach Me How To Love- Hiccanna #Wattys 2016Where stories live. Discover now