Chap. 2 Insensitive

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Anna sat at the kitchen table, listening to her cousin ramble on and on. It was that time of month when all her friends and family came to visit. To most, it would be a blessing. To Anna, it was just another burden.

Call her unkind, but the problem was that they stopped by without even asking. Not only that, but they were always asking her questions, and trying to push her into making decisions. For instance, Rapunzel, her cousin, was busy telling her about some single men she knew.

"And Timothy is so sweet! He would make a perfect husband and father!" Punzie exclaimed.

"Punzie, we've been over this. I'm not getting re married" Anna said, giving an exhausted sigh.

"See!? This is exactly why you are depressed. It's that kind of attitude that gets you no where!" Rapunzel went into another montage of why she was never happy, why she never smiled, and why Priscilla was so quite.

"She needs a male figure in her life!" Rapunzel cried.

"I think she'll be fine" Anna said, wanting this discussion to end. And it most certainly did. But, not the way it was supposed to.

"If you weren't so hard headed, you might actually find a good husband! And if you weren't so insensitive, Kristoff might not be dead!!" Rapunzel shouted, not having the chance to stop herself.

Anna had gotten up, but now froze in her tracks at Punzie's statement. Did she really just say that? Did she just blame Kristoff's death on her? Anna had hot tears well up in her eyes at the memories that came back to her. Remember that word? Memories?

Rapunzel quickly covered her mouth, realizing her mistake. She did her best not to cry. "A-Anna I didn't mean it." But, Anna had already run up to her room. Slamming the door in the process.

"Rapunzel? What's going on?" Elsa asked, having walked into the room.

"What have I done?" She said quietly.

"I heard a door slam. Is everything okay?" Merida asked.

"No. I just.....broke Anna's heart" Punzie said, tears going down her face.

She later sat on the couch, explaining to everyone what happened. Jack, Elsa's husband, handed Punzie a tissue. Eugene, Punzie's husband, gently rubbed her shoulder to comfort her.

"I'm sure she'll forgive ye in time" Aster said. He was Merida's husband.

"I doubt it. After what I said, I don't deserve forgiveness" Punzie responded.

"She'll forgive you. I promise" Eugene said, hugging his wife.

About an hour later, Aster took a look at his watch. He groaned when he realized it was 1:30 in the afternoon.

"Where is that fool?" Aster snapped.

"What fool, hun?" Merida asked, playing with Priscilla's hair.

He was just about to answer that question, when the door flew open. A familiar brunette walked in, shivering from the cold outside. His black Dragon followed him inside.

"Sorry I'm late!" Hiccup said, dusting some snow off Toothless, his Dragon.

"THAT, fool" Aster finished, making the others chuckle.

Hiccup shook some snow out of his hair, walking over to Jack.

"What's up, man?" He asked, shaking his hand.

"Not much. Except Punzie over here screwed up" Jack answered, pointing at Rapunzel.

"Oh boy. What happened this time?" Hiccup asked.

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