Chap. 15 Vladimir

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Hiccup trekked his way through the woods, groaning as he did so. He wasn't there for any specific reasons. He just felt like taking a walk. Toothless of course, loyal as always, had followed him.

"I'm not sure why I decided to do this" Hiccup muttered as he walked along.

Toothless gave a rumble of comfort. He could sense his rider's irritation and discomfort. Not physically, but more emotionally. He knew something was troubling him, but was uncertain what.

As they continued walking, they heard a twig snap. Toothless immediately took up a defensive stance. Hiccup tensed up a little, but wasn't as paranoid as his Dragon companion.

"Hiccup? What are you doing out here?" A familiar female asked.

"Anna? Uh...taking a walk?" He responded.

Anna shrugged, stepping down from the stone she had been standing on. She sported a green dress, with black heels. She also had a black cloak on. Possibly for protection from the light rain that had occurred not long ago.

"What brings you here?" Hiccup asked.

"I'm going to visit an old friend. Would you care to meet him?" She replied, cocking her head to the side.

Hiccup and Toothless looked to each other. He read his Dragon's eyes, as if looking for a sign as to what he should do. Toothless pointed his head in the direction of Anna. Hiccup nodded in agreement, looking at her.

"Sure. Where is he or she?"

"He. And that would be this way."

Hiccup proceeded to follow his wife deeper into the woods. Once they had gotten quite far away from their previous location, Anna began digging in her cloak pocket.

Hiccup now took a rather defensive stance. Anna faced him, giving a rather surprised expression. "Do you think I'm gonna hurt you?"

" never know" He replied, still looking edgy.

"I assure you, if I did wish my husband harm, I would make sure his Dragon was not present" She informed, winking at Toothless.

Toothless gave what sounded like a chuckle. Hiccup eyed him suspiciously, but let it slide.

Anna removed from her pocket one of North's snow globes. Anna whispered something to it, then smashed it. A familiar portal appeared, Anna turning to face the two.

"You going in?" She asked.

"Uh...ladies first?" Hiccup asked, looking nervous.

Anna chuckled, stepping in first. Hiccup slowly approached it, only to be shoved in by Toothless. As always, Toothless ended up landing on top of him, knocking the wind out of him.

As he attempted to regain breath, Anna was busy looking around. Hiccup then realized they were in a cave of some sort. A hallway, to be exact. Odd. It didn't look at all familiar. And Hiccup had been to a lot of places with Toothless.

A sudden tapping sound echoed down the hall they were in. The cave surprisingly looked as if it was lived in. And taken good care of at that. Hiccup managed to stand up with assistance from Toothless. Anna walked ahead of them, walking towards the sound. They soon approached what appeared to be a door. Anna gently pushed it open, being greeted by a small light.

"Hey, Vladimir" Anna greeted.

A Dragon lifted it's head from reading a book, tapping it's claw on the page. It was sitting at a small desk, some candles over the book he was reading. It's eyes zoomed in on Hiccup, studying his features. Hiccup stared right back. Shocked that a Dragon could read.

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