18. In My Veins

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In My Veins

Mystic Falls, 2010

"Uncle Richard?"

He smiled at her, red eyes fading to familiar brown.

"Hello sunshine."

Caroline only gaped for a moment, her mouth opening and closing, shock rendering her speechless. And then her uncle opened his arms and without another thought Caroline rushed forward and threw herself at him, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck as they embraced. Richard lifted her off her feet, hugging her fiercely.

Oh my God. This is really happening, Caroline thought as she felt Richard press a kiss to her hair. A sob built up in Caroline's throat, and she pressed her face closer in his neck.

But he was dead… just like everyone. My entire family… dead, dead and long gone… but, he's here… Caroline couldn't think, her mind on overload. But there was thing she knew, Uncle Richard was here and he was real.

Despite the fact that the man was her uncle, Richard was only twelve years older than her, having been born of her grandfather's second marriage. When she was young, she hadn't really known him for very long when she was young, but when she went to complete her ten-year, they had grown closer. Her uncle had always been there for her, and, if she was honest, was really more like a second brother or father to her.

And here he was again. He'd saved her skin.

Finally Caroline pulled back, tears in her eyes, she took a step back, but took one of Richard's hands, wanting to make sure that he was really there, that this wasn't just an illusion.

"How did this happen? How are you here?" She whispered as she searched his eyes, remembering the red that had filled them only moments before. "You're a vampire!" She exclaimed, the realization hitting her hard.

"Do not worry, sunshine, all will be explained." He replied with a soft smile, squeezing her hand once. "But first, I daresay that you must warn the others." He made a pointed glance to Finn, who was laid unceremoniously on the floor, neck bent at an odd angle.

That reminded her…

"Oh my God. Klaus!" She panicked, what if she was too late? What if Esther already hurt them? I knew she was up to something! I should've done something before. Damn it!

If he's hurt… Caroline swallowed harshly, her feelings wanting to choke her as she thought about the possibility. She pulled herself away from her uncle, intent on going to find out, heart beating rapidly in her chest.

She didn't get far, however, when Uncle Richard reached out and placed a hand on her shoulder. She tensed for a moment, thinking back to Finn, who had refused to let her go. She forced herself to relax, however; this was Uncle Richard, he would never hurt her. Caroline could be sure of this, even five hundred years later.

"Slow down, Caroline." He said, in that calm way of his that she had missed so much. I still can't believe this is happening.

"What? Why?" She questioned, incredulously. They need my help! If I don't go, he might… he might…

"Think for a minute, your foe is powerful witch, is she not? You cannot simply go barging inside and expect her to step aside once she knows that you know of her plans. You'll have to be quieter than that. " Richard's word struck a chord in her.

Esther would know I'm coming, and she go through with whatever she had planned anyway.

Caroline took a deep breath to calm herself, knowing she needed to think.

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