5. Farewell Fecilcity

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Farewell Felicity

Mystic Falls, Virginia 2010

A few months had passed what Caroline liked to call the 'big reveal'. All that she had worked at for a year to hide had suddenly gone all to bits as Caroline had spoken out. But she had done for the sake of her friends, and, luckily, she had had some foresight to call in some help. No one got humans to understand like Lexi did, it was just the way she is, her talent.

Just the way she was, that is…

"So, what do you say, Lex?" Caroline held the phone to her ear as she awaited her answer.

"I'm due for another birthday visit to Stefan anyways… I'll see you soon." Her friend's voice came through the phone and the older vampire's shoulders slumped slightly in relief.

"Great. 'Till then." Caroline quickly pressed the end call button and gathered her things, ready to head over to the Salvatore house. Stefan was feeling quite down as of late, for obvious reasons, and she was trying to make of this as painless as possible for him.

Luckily, if everything would go according to plan, it would only be a few more weeks of this.

She just needed to wait a little bit longer.

Caroline headed to the front door of her house, tired from the long day she had had. However, she was soon able to sense another presence and immediately she went on high alert. Covertly, she glanced around, cautious until she spotted Stefan, head in hands.

He was sitting on the porch, waiting.

As Caroline opened the door to her house, she immediately knew something was out of place. She dropped her school bag on the floor and warily made her way down the front hall. Soon enough, the out of place 'thing' made her presence known.

A fast blur headed towards her but Caroline was no spring chicken in the vampire world. She was quick to jump to the side and grabbed the blur in a headlock, fangs bared.

And that was when the 'blur' started laughing; it was a very familiar laugh and Caroline soon joined in with a laugh of her own.

"God, Lex, why must you always do that!" She exclaimed, letting go of her old friend. Said friend spun around, wearing a smirk.

"What can I say? There's not many people who can catch me mid-run nowadays." Lexi squeezed Caroline in a brief hug before she stepped back and her smile turned into something more serious. "So, when are we going to do this?"

"Well, technically you came for Stef's birthday, which is tomorrow, so, I'm thinking, what better birthday than for him to have both of his best friends there to celebrate with him? And, I think getting him and his girlfriend back together would be a pretty unforgettable birthday present." The older vampire smiled widely.

"I don't know Caroline, remember 1953? That was a pretty wild year."

"Please, that will not compare to this year."

Caroline had been right, it hadn't compared. It just hadn't.

"Ok, so girl's night, then?" Lexi asked, already making herself comfortable in Caroline's living room.

"Of course! And I have just the perfect thing." She said, pulling out the champagne from where she stood in the kitchen. She blurred back to the living room and fell into the couch next to the other blonde.

"So, how are you going to tell her?" The question hung in the air for a moment.

"I don't know. But, I think it's best I do it alone. You can just… pick up the pieces. It's what you do best, after all." She smiled at her friend hopefully.

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