17. Back Again

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Mystic Falls, 2010

Esther Mikaelson had spent a thousand years in a coffin, planning exactly what she would do when she was finally released. She knew her mission. When the witches first told her of it, she had protested. How could they ask her to kill her children?

Rebekah, who wanted nothing more than her mother back. Kol, who, even after all this time, was still a boy. Finn, her lovely Finn. Elijah, with all of his morality. Even Niklaus...

She had wanted to save them, she wasn't about to kill them. And that was when the witches made her feel the consequences of her actions. She saw her precious kill.

Rebekah, in petty jealousy. Kol, looking for a thrill. Finn, by accident. Elijah, only when it was 'moral'. And Niklaus... He was the worst of them all, absolutely ruthless. He was angrier than ever before, and he made no qualms about showing it to the world.

Her children became twisted by darkness, just as she did. She felt their every kill, heard their victims pleading for their lives right before a neck snapped.

Eventually, it became too much for her and she agreed with the witches, thinking that they would put an end to her misery.

Instead they continued showing her an onslaught of images, forcing her to watch as her children burned the earth.

At first she hated the witches for this until her blame shifted one day, and she started to resent her children.

So she began to plan how she would finally end it.

And now her carefully laid out plan had been ruined by the presence of one girl.

Caroline Forbes.

There was a time when Esther would have rejoiced at the fact that one of her sons had finally found a woman, especially Niklaus. In all truth, has they been human, she would have given her blessing to the couple.

Now, however, she was nothing but a nuisance. One whom she was sure would only serve to foil her plans. The girl would do anything for her son, and she was intelligent. A deadly combination.

Esther had to do the linking spell, it was the most viable option of getting rid of the vampire curse. When her children died, the rest would with them. The problem with this was Caroline.

She could link Caroline's blood to that of her children, that much was obvious. But there was also something else. It was as if the girl had protection. At first Esther had assumed it was the protection of a powerful witch, but then she realized that it was something else. Something ghostly.

Simply put, Caroline was a variable. A risk she could not afford. One that Esther would have to snuff out.

For the sake of her mission.

Klaus was quiet as he exited the room his mother had led him to, after his little spat with his younger siblings. He stood in the doorway, leaning against the doorframe as he watched her, his Caroline.

She was laughing at something Kol had said, shaking her head with incredulity. Her blonde curls were splayed across her shoulders as she turned to look at his sister, smiling. Klaus was hit with the sudden urge to draw her, happy as she was.

Sometimes it was difficult for the Original to believe she had come back to him. He had spent so long without her, dreaming of her, that this felt like a dream.

Only it wasn't. It was real and she was here, with him, really with him.

They were both not the same people they used to be, but they still matched. Just as he hoped they always would.

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