7. Lifetimes Ago

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Lifetimes Ago

Mystic Falls, Virginia 2010

"We must be sure to get two of each Maddox." Klaus said as adjusted his clothing. It was always a bit uncomfortable, transferring to and from bodies, especially going into the body of a human; they were so much weaker than he was used to, after all.

"Yes, sire." The warlock replied, head bowed.

"Well, the wolves are taken care of. I do believe we still need some vampires. Tell me of our prospects." Klaus sat down in the couch, kicking up his feet on the coffee table.

"There are only three vampires in Mystic Falls, sire, the Salvatores and another; a girl, I believe her name was-" The Original held up his hand, gesturing for Maddox to stop; at this point, he could care less about some vampire he was going to sacrifice.

"Take the girl, I don't care how." He commanded with a wave of his hand. "Leave the Salvatores out of it, though. Take the Lockwood boy too." Maddox started for the door, when Klaus' voice stopped him. "Oh and Maddox..." The warlock glanced back. "It'd be best if you did not fail me in this matter."

"Yes, sire." He consented before leaving. Klaus then turned to the other witch in the room; he smirked, Greta had been scandalously easy to turn to his cause, as infatuated as she was with him. Unfortunately for her, all he needed from her was her witchy powers; without them, she would be useless to him.

"Greta, love." He said, waving her over. The girl smiled viciously at him as she came to stand before him. "I'll trust you to take care of plan B?" She nodded. "Then you'll take the other werewolf."

"And for the vampire, sire?" At this, Klaus smirked darkly. He had the perfect candidate in mind.

"We'll which Salvatore betrays me… However, the Gilbert girl, she lives with an aunt, does she not?" He asked causing the witch to nod in confirmation. "Take her as well; never can be too careful… Also, that way, if one of those foolish brothers tries to stop me, they'll see just what happens to those who cross me." He leaned back in his seat, satisfied, watching as his second witch also left, smirking.

Everything was going right according to plan.

Oh how Klaus loved being just one step ahead of his opponents; it made the game so much more fun.

"I wasn't aware you'd been invited in." Klaus stated as the blur passed by him. He could've caught the Salvatore in mid-run and simply ripped him in half right there, but that would be playing his cards too soon. Besides, he wanted to taste victory as he told the younger vampire of his imminent failure.

"I've come here to tell you that you have to postpone the ritual." Damon said. I had thought it might be you.

"Didn't we already have this conversation?" Klaus replied, darkly, not entertained by his pathetic persistence. He should've just given in; most others would have. Didn't the fool know that there was nothing constant in his life?

"Yeah, but that was before I rescued your werewolf and vampire and killed your witch." The elder Salvatore stated, as if it would make all the difference in the world. It wouldn't really effect his plans, but still, such disobedience angered Klaus.

"Excuse me?" The Original growled in return.

"And you can kill me for it, I don't care. It was all me." Well, if that isn't desperation…

"Katerina, give us a moment." Klaus said, not caring for the Petrova woman to be here to witness his triumph. He was seriously consider just killing her and being done with it; she was, after all, clearly keeping things from him, such as the vervain she had been drinking. But a quick death truly was too kind, after all she had done to him, done to Caroline….

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