14. And We All Fall Down

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Mystic Falls, Virginia 2010

A black figure rushed towards him, shrouded in shadow. It was danger, it was evil and it swallowed him whole. When it pulled back, there was a stake in his chest. A white stake, and his blue eyes widened with pain and fear. He met her own eyes, reaching out to her. She ran forward, desperately trying to get to him, trying to take his hand.

His mouth opened in a silent scream, and he burst into red-hot flames, making him like the sun in the vast darkness they were in.

"No!" She screamed desperately. "Klaus!"

The black figure rushed towards her and suddenly she could see its face, its cruel, cruel face.


Caroline awoke with a gasp, her heart still racing from her nightmare. She was disoriented and her mind was still wracked with fear. It had been a while since she had had such a bad nightmare.

She still couldn't believe it; Mikael was awake. The past few nights she had been doing her best with what she had. Her friends were avoiding her completely, which was understandable, but also very frustrating. She just wished she had someone she could talk, someone not biased about Klaus or herself.

She wished she had non-Ripper Stefan back, he would have listened to her…

But, she was stuck on her own.

When she had learned that Klaus had killed his own mother, she had no idea what to think at first. After all killing your own mother? That just seemed cruel. But then she was reminded of the time that Stefan had confessed to her that he killed his father. She hadn't made any judgments then, so why now?

Maybe it was because she was looking for an excuse to be mad at Klaus. After all, anger was often easier than understanding.

Maybe it was because he had never told her. Maybe it was because he had lied.

That didn't matter now, however, it was not her place to make a judgment, not without all the facts. She had been too hasty with her feelings before. She may not have forgiven Klaus but she loved him, and she always would. She had to allow him a chance to explain what happened to her.

Besides, she knew well enough the emotional rollercoaster baby vampires were, add to that a werewolf's temper… It was not exactly the most stable of mixes.

So, despite Rebekah revealing the whole thing to her, she knew she couldn't allow Klaus' demise. Not when there were still so many questions. Not when she was still in love with him. She couldn't be a part of it.

It would be difficult though. Her friends, though still her friends, were not her allies at this point. She also knew that she couldn't tell Klaus… yet, that is. She would tell him only when she was sure. Just because she loved him, doesn't mean that Caroline was oblivious. She knew that Klaus would most likely react with violence, which would up with her friends being harmed. If it came to a dire point, however, she would tell him. She just hoped she could stop this before it happened.

The only person she could think of that might actually help her was Rebekah. Caroline knew it was rather a long shot, at least now. But, when it came down to it, her and Nik had always been close. They were siblings, and there were very few things that could completely break that bond.

Knowing her next course of action, Caroline made her way outside to her car. As she walked there, the sun shining on her back, she had the eerie feeling of being watched. On any other day she might've mistaken it for unfounded paranoia. But after centuries of living, she learned to follow her instincts.

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