6. Original Sin

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Original Sin

Mystic Falls, Virginia 2010

"I was hiding behind the bleachers, waiting for you." The way Elena said 'waiting for you' made a cold shiver run up Caroline's spine.

In that moment, the horrid realization hit her. There had only ever been truly one vampire who had ever really creeped her out.

"Katherine." Caroline hissed, eyes darkening fast.

"Bingo!" A perfectly manicured hand suddenly appeared around the blonde's throat as Katherine took her hold once more. "Now… where were we?"

"So, Damon was right… you weren't in the tomb. Shouldn't surprise me, I guess." Blue eyes narrowed into a glare. "You always were a selfish, psychotic bitch."

"Now, now, Caroline, there's no need to be cruel, I came here to warn you."

"Warn me? You really think I am that much of an idiot? Why would I trust anything you have to say after all you have done is lie to me? You know about my past and you have kept it from me for so long… You only look out for yourself. That's the way it has always been and always will be." The blonde's eyes were full of fire as she spat it all out.

"You misunderstand me. I'm not here to warn you because I give a damn. On the contrary, if I could, I would destroy you now… But, unfortunately for me, I need you alive, so I'm only going to say this once. Stay out of my way or I will end everyone you have cared about." Caroline couldn't help the sudden panic that shot through her veins, the words invoking long forgotten feelings as an image sprung into her mind. It was an image she didn't recognize and yet, part of her felt she did.

The first thing she saw was the blood. The room was stained in red. It was all over the floor, on the walls. Then all she could see were the broken bodies that littered the filthy ground. Not realizing what she was doing, she turned the nearest body over. Cloudy, dead eyes met her own.

He was so pale, so very pale, his hair looking all the more dark in comparison. His lips were chapped and open in what could have been a scream… The only color was the red that was dripping from the gaping wound in his throat.

Caroline snapped out of her thoughts when suddenly Katherine let go of her, causing her to sink to her knees. The brunette smirked down at the silent vampire.

"Look at you. You're pathetic. You should've learned by now that love is nothing but a weakness. Don't forget; keep out of my wayl" There was a whoosh as Katherine blurred away.

Caroline barely noticed her departure, her mind on other things. She thought of all the ones she cared about. Stefan. Elena. Bonnie. Matt. Tyler. Jeremy. Damon, even. And then there came the ones already dead. Lexi. Anna. Pearl.

She thought back to the image, the bloody image. 'I will end everyone you have cared about' Katherine's voice said mockingly in her head.

Everyone you have ever cared about. Everyone you have ever cared about. Cared about.

Cared about.

And then it came together. The image.

Could it be that losing Lexi, Anna, and Pearl was not the first time Caroline had lost people she loved?

Perhaps… Perhaps the image was a memory… But why would so many centuries pass and not a single memory had come to her until today? Maybe… Maybe it had something to do with recent events triggering bad memories…

Whatever the case, there was only one thing that Caroline truly knew right now, and that was that she could never allow such a thing to occur ever again.

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