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-'•Linetta's POV•'-

Just as their Queen had fallen- all the attors fled the scene...until our army caught them up.

Weird how everything we were afraid of- was demolished in a matter of minutes.

Blair of Hybern is dead- we all made sure of that. Rhysand even chopped her into pieces-

"Just to make sure the devils gone." He said.

Now we all are sat around cosy fires, laughing and talking in muttered voices in the dead of the night.

We are to leave in the morning- leaving Hybern fields to go to our own.

To home.

The only person I'm going to miss from here... is Sebastian.

"You'll write to us, won't you Seb?" I asked in a somber voice.

"Of course." He smiled, fire reflecting in his dark eyes as he faced me across the fire.

"You better, or I'll fly down here and check up on you. Just to make sure your sister hasn't come back to haunt you." Nyx joked- but by the feeling of his tense arm around my waist- it wasn't wholly a joke.

"I wouldn't put it past her." He groaned as he moved away slightly, as his face started to sweat from the heat.

"I can't believe she's actually dead- I keep thinking she'll come back." Cailean murmured next to me- knees folded up to his face.

"She's gone, Cailean- just like her father is, just like Amarantha is. Gone." Erebus finalised confidently- putting a hand on Cailean's shoulder.

"All thanks to your parents, Nyx, again." Aspen said, annoyance on his face.

"They really are truly amazing." Nyx replied, with a dazzling smile.

"You don't have to boast-" Aspen started angrily.

"Ugh, be quiet you two, not now. Let's just enjoy the peace ." I breathed, looking at the stars.

"It must be relaxing- suddenly feeling you're free." Melody sympathised- next to Erebus, their hands entwined.

I nodded, smiling at them.

When Erebus returned un harmed- Melody ran from the depths of the army, and flung her little body against his.

Finding out they're mates.

"What have I missed?" Nyx had commented- with surprise and happiness.

"A lot." I had whispered back.

But now, he's not going to miss anything.

I smiled up at him- feeling my eyes welling up again.

Nyx of the Night Court is finally free.

And so am I.


"I missed you." Nyx breathed- as we faced each other in our cosy blankets. "Every time I thought I was just getting back you, I'd be pushed back again. To the same dark place."

"I know- and I'm sorry, so so sorry I couldn't get you away sooner." I whimpered- letting some of the tears slip down my chilled cheeks.

"No." Nyx quipped, horrified. "What we had to go through was near impossible to get out of." I could vaguely see his eyes were wide as he searched mine, in the dark of night.

"I still could have tried harder." I muttered angrily to myself- I could not shake the disappoint at myself. "How did you get away?"

"It was you."

I frowned. "Me?" I asked, puzzled.

"She tried to trick me and Sebastian, with people we love, being dragged by attor's...I knew it wasn't you...but it still snapped me out of my possessed state. So actually, you saved me."

I clasped his hand in my mine, and brought it to the side of my face affectionately. "Thank you." I sniffed, feeling better about myself.

He smiled- and stroked my face with his other hand. "We are so different from the people giving each other tours aren't we?" He chuckled.

I giggled. "Most definitely."

"I love you, Linetta of Spring- forever and always."

I couldn't help but give a wide grin- cheeks turning rosy. "I love you too- Nyx of the Night Court- to the stars and back."


-'•Sebastian's POV•'-

"I don't want you to go." Linetta whined.

"Duty calls." I said with a half smile- flicking my hair awkwardly out of my face. "I promise to write to you."

"Good, good."

We stood there a moment in silence, not really sure what to do next.

Linetta's face started to well up as she looked up at me....and then flung herself at me, bringing me into a hug.

I gasped with surprise- and then rested my head on top of hers.

"You're the sister I never had, Lin."

"You're the brother I've always wanted to have, Seb." She sniffed- hugging me tighter.

"I'm going to miss you Sebastian, even if we only were in each other's presence at the worst of times." Nyx said, joining our hug. Which made me chuckle.

"Ah, I want to join too." Cailean whined as we watched.

Linetta snorted. "Join then." She said, her voice muffled.

So then Cailean joined, followed by Erebus and Melody- even Aspen made a smile at me, but of course never joined the hug.

"We'll visit each other, it will be like you never left."  I promised- watching the army as they packed up and were ready to leave.

"Me and Nyx will come back next week- to see you." Linetta announced- still muffled under everyone's bodies.

"We never agreed-" Nyx started..

"SHH!" Linetta snapped, and we all started laughing.


"As the Queen is dead, you're our next in line." Announced a guard- a normal looking guard at that. "You're King of Hybern now."

I was still stood in the same field- watching the army disappear as they climbed the hill, Linetta's golden hair still visible far ahead.

I nodded. "It's time Hybern changed, for the better."I replied, still watching the army.

"It's time it did." He replied.

Just at the top of the hill, my new family all turned back- waving.

And I waved back.


A/n~ I think this is going to be the second to last chapter of the series! Ah I'm going to miss it ♡

Spring and Night: ACOTAR Fanfic 2Where stories live. Discover now