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-'•Linetta's POV•'-

She quickly walked up to me- a big smile on her pretty face- with the same red hair that I have always adored. "It is so nice to see you again, m'lady."

Erebus stiffened beside me, staring at Melody strangely.

I brushed it off- it's probably because he's never been in there before. "Its nice to see you again too." I replied- my constant smile starting to hurt my mouth. "This may come as a surprise, I'm looking for my father. Where is he?" I asked- dreading to actually see the man.

Her brows creased, clearly deep in thought. "He told he was going to be away- for how long I'm not sure. As far I know he's not back yet."

"Where did he go?" I asked bewildered.

Everyone hates him, where else could he have gone?

Wait- hybern.

"Did he say where?" I grilled- I should never have left Hybern, I should have known.

"That he did- he went to the Night Court." She admitted- nervously. I coughed in surprise.

Cailean glanced at me in alarm- his hair moving quickly with his face.

"Why- why has he gone there?" I panicked- he couldn't be attacking could he?

As if Melody could read my expression. "I think he went there to get help for you." She reassured- with her soothing soft voice.


She nodded- gesturing around her. "He reacted pretty badly when he got back- he kept saying 'She's going to kill her.'"

I hadn't even noticed how untidy everything looked- I guess I'm just used to it looking slightly like this when my father has a 'tantrum'.

The wallpaper was ripped and peeling. Lights were smashed- and dangling awkwardly.

I knew that it had looked much worse than this, and Melody or another fae working here had tidied it up.

Odd- that my father had a tantrum about me- not in a bad way but a caring way.

I snorted. "Can't of been about me." I scoffed- not being able to picture it.

"It definitely was." She persuaded- looking very sincere.

I could notice that Melody was wary of the tall dark men beside me- honestly if I were her, I would be too.

Erebus seemed to be just staring at her- like she's something he's never seen before.

"Well, I guess we're going straight to the Night Court after all."


"Why don't you stay here and wait?" Melody whined- serving up food for us to take, she was peeling an orange as we spoke, and then wrapping it into a brown paper bag.

"We can't- this is urgent."

Cailean and Erebus had gone upstairs to wash themselves, wanting to wash out their greasy, dirty hair and dirty/bloody bodies.

I need one too- but I wanted to talk to Melody, someone from my past I actually like.

"Let me come with you." Melody asked abruptly but nervously- pushing the brown bag into a larger one, she given me a pleading look.

"It's not safe, Melody, I can't risk you." I explained apologetically- thinking of all the horrors Melody might endure- especially if we go near Blair again. "Anyway, this manor needs a nice touch to it- like you."

Melody shook her head. "Since you have been gone, it has lost it's spark. I'd rather be with you- than staying here in this lonely mansion. I can help you, on your journey- look after you like I always have done." She tried to persuade me- looking at me with hopeful eyes.

I contemplated it a second, weighing out the pros and cons. "Okay." I agreed, thinking it might be better if she did come, it wouldn't be kind leaving her here practically alone. I can keep her away from the dangers of it comes to it, which it most likely will." Start to pack some things."

With a beaming bright smile and a quick "thank you"- she rushed up the stairs, I could hear the clicks of her shoes as she did so.


I almost jumped and turned around, noticing Cailean standing there- wet, dark brown hair dripping, as he'd just had a shower.
Droplets ran down his cheeks and neck, glistening in the light.

"Nice shower?" I asked awkwardly, not knowing what else to say.

He nodded- but he looked as if he were elsewhere, deep in thought. "I just wanted to quickly tell you, before the others come down again, that I'm-" he paused, as if gathering up the right words. "Sorry for how I treated you, and I won't be doing it again. I swear to you." He promised, looking deeply into my eyes with such sincerity.

"Thank you." I replied softly. "I had already forgiven you anyway, Cailean."

"You both are just like Feyre and Rhysand...unbeatable...and of course, you can't beat something that's unbeatable." He shrugged. "There's no point me trying."

"Right, ready to go?" Erebus interrupted- walking into the kitchen, rubbing his black hair with a towel.

Happy about getting out of the conversation I announced. "I just need to grab a few things, have a shower- and then we'll be ready." I walked up the stairs, leaving them both behind me.

Time to go back to the Night Court—— again, I thought whilst grabbing my old clothing in my patterned drawers.

Time to face the family that relied upon me to spy on Hybern.

I've failed them, in so many ways. How can I face them after leaving their son in our enemies hands?


A/n- not the most exciting chapter today, sorry about that! 

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