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-'•Sebastian's POV•'-

My body jumped and shook as the carriage went over bumps and stones as the horse lead us through the villages.

Blair loves to ride through city- to keep the people's love going, to keep their support.

Both me and Nyx were sat either side of her- and it was so hard to compose my face as the crowd screamed and cheered.



"LOOK! Isn't that boy from Prythian?

"The other one is the Queen's own brother!? We haven't seen him in years."

"He looks just like our Queen."

"Maybe he'll be our King?"

"CANT be, she looks much more promising."

I couldn't stand it - the crowd's voices, and their words.
Blair lapped up the shouts and applauds, grinning ear to ear, like a child seeing all it's presents presented to them.

Plus, because of my father and sister- the crowd have taken in their 'nasty' ways, if they didn't rule- I wonder if Hybern would be different?

"It's thrilling, isn't it?" Blair whispered into my ear. "Do you enjoy the crowds love?"

I made a stiff nod, still staring ahead of me.

"This is what you miss out on, brother, when you're down those cells."

Huh, I think I'd rather be down there than here.

She sighed happily- her bony shoulder digging into mine whenever the carriage went into a rough part of the path.

"M'lady- we're almost through the villages- when would you like us to turn back?" The guard at the front of the carriage asked.

"We won't be turning around just yet- I'd just like to pop somewhere first."

"Alright, where may that be?"

"Just turn down that bend coming up- and stop when you get to the end of the path."

A whip sounded as the guards made the horses go again, getting to the path that they had been directed to.

What's she up to?

Blair kept smiling- staring ahead, I noticed in the corner of my eye, she was happy- really happy.

Probably because of how 'obedient' I am, enjoying the change.

I turned my head to the window and stared out at the houses lining the street- and wished I were someone else.


The horses halted at the end of the path- facing a mass of trees.

Nyx got out first- and opened the carriage door, standing by it- hand outstretched for Blair to take.

I was so sure he was back- how did she take control again?

It seemed unnatural- seeing him so obedient, like a lap dog.

"We won't be needing you."

Her words suddenly flung me out of my thoughts.

I thought she was addressing me- but in fact she was speaking to the guards.

"We'll just be through those trees. Come now, brother- you'll want to see this."

She stretched out her hand with a winning smile by the carriage door, I took it- and climbed out- feeling the full heat of the sun on my face.

Blair looped her arms through me and Nyx's, leading us through the trees.

"I just would like to put you through....a sort of test." My heart started to speed up- what does she mean? "Nothing frightening- I just want to know... if you're really mine."

A cottage came into view- smoke gliding out of the chimney.

The door swung open- and four people walked out.

I nearly stopped dead in my tracks- if it weren't for Blair tugging me along.

Linetta was tied up- and wriggling in an attor's grasp- squealing and the other person-

Was my mother... who I knew was dead.

It's a trap, a lie.

She's somehow made people look like Linetta and my Mother, to trick us intro trying to save them, or show the shock of seeing them~ therefore showing we're no longer under her control.

I glanced at Nyx- and to my surprise, his face was no longer neutral, but staring in total horror.

She really is testing us, testing our reaction- and Nyx has already failed it....because Blair was staring at him, seeing his horror too.

In a blink of an eye- Blair had Nyx on the ground... screaming.

"Why can't you just be weak." Blair growled- fury in her face.

I didn't move, didn't speak- I just stared at the two people, as if they were strangers.

She glanced back at me- satisfied and snorted. "Pff, I knew you were weak from the start, no surprise you are under my control."

Bitch- I hissed in my head.

In another blink of an eye- Blair was hurtled over my head and thrashed against a tree trunk.

Everything was happening all at once- as I expected- Linetta and my mother were no longer them, but attors, four of them now hurtling towards me and Nyx.

and Nyx grabbing me- pushing me through the forest~ away from Blair of Hybern.


Spring and Night: ACOTAR Fanfic 2Where stories live. Discover now