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-'•Sebastian's POV•'-

I panted, trying to gather my breath again as I leant back against a tree.

"Nyx- you don't even know how good it is to have you back." I breathed, my cheeks flaming with heat. Clearly I don't work out enough.

He chuckled half heartedly. "Me too." He breathed- smiling slightly as he panted.

We had ran quite a long way- having to use our magic to keep us going- but it didn't stop the weird feeling in your throat.

"How- how did you break free?"

"I snapped." He said, his eyes darkening. "My whole mind was attached to her by a thread, it felt like, and I just...snapped it. When she spoke about Linetta."

He looked away- as if that would hide his face. I could see the emotion, taking over him. It must have been hell- having her control you 24/7.

"I thought you were under her clutches- but something was off with you I could tell. As soon as I saw your reaction to the fake Linetta and...the other woman beside her, I could see the horror on your face too." He explained, whilst his body was bent, hands on his knees, and breathed in and out slowly as he spoke.

"The other woman was my mother."

Nyx looked up at that, in surprise. "But she's dead-"


He looked at me- his face changing to realisation. "That must have been...hard." He breathed.

I shrugged, trying to play it off. "I've seen my sister do worse."

Nyx knew not to ask further about that, instead he stood up straight and looked ahead of us- at the lines and lines of trees.

"Where to now?" I asked- checking our surroundings.


When I looked at Nyx again, there was suddenly a light in his eyes... a spark.


"How did it feel, her inside your head?" I couldn't help but ask- looking at Nyx sideways as we walked through the trees.

"It was hell." Nyx stated bluntly- staring ahead, pushing away from the trees whenever he came into line with one. "Every thought I made she changed it- twisted it to something I would never dream of thinking." He said angrily- pulling at his matted hair.

He must be talking about the situation with Linetta, when he attacked...

"Yes I am thinking of that." Nyx said out of the blue- I glanced at him in shock.

How did he know...?

"My father." Nyx added- explaining himself. "He's passed on the gift of reading people's minds."

I chuckled. "You must enjoy that power."

He shrugged, the large hole on the shoulder of his T shirt falling further down his shoulder as he did so. "Not really- invading people's minds isn't something I enjoy doing...but I couldn't help hearing her name from your head." He mumbled- drifting back into his head again.

Nyx....is really down. Understandably- he's been through a lot- something he shouldn't go through at a young age. But he's missing her...you can tell- with his slumped shoulders, and distant expressions.

"Where do I go?" I mumbled softly- looking at the earthy ground. "I'm leaving the home I've always known."

"Of course you'll be welcome at the Night Court- you're a friend now. A part of us." Nyx stated- as if it were obvious.

"But I'm her-"

"Doesn't matter. I know who you are— and you're nothing like her." He shot back fiercely- anger flaring up.

He needs rest, to calm down.

"Nyx, we should rest soon....we both haven't had it for days-"

"We can't." He snapped- rubbing at his eyes. "She'll be on us soon- we have to keep going."

But our walking was sluggish- dizzy...to the point we had to stop, and rest on the moss and damp leaves.


-'•Linetta's POV•'-

Oh Blair of Hybern. I thought, satisfied whilst I made the earth quake under my feet. You better be ready, so ready.

You have no idea. I thought as I bubbled lava from the earth- sent tornados as tall as the biggest of giants across fields.

What you have woken.

A/n~ Hopefully this chapter is satisfactory for today! I hate updating late~ sorry again!

Spring and Night: ACOTAR Fanfic 2Where stories live. Discover now