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"ready?" jean asks.

"as ready as i'll ever be," brett tells her with a smile.

"no cold feet?"

"no. i'm sure about this one."

"good," jean straightens his tie and brushes his hair away from his face. she sniffles, though trying not to.

"are you crying? i'm the one getting married," brett laughs amusedly.

"i'm just really happy for you," she punches him lightly.

"thanks, jean. really. you're the best friend i could ever ask for."

"stop it. i'm just happy you're happy. now get married before i cry a whole ass river," she says, fanning her eyes.

"okay, okay," brett brings out his elbow and jean links her arms with him. they walk, the sun shining on their faces as they catch sight of their friends and family, watching their every step.

they stop in between the two groups of seats, a paved way separating them. and there, at the end of it, is eddy. in his black tuxedo with his styled hair and his fond smile. brett smiles at him from the other side, and he hasn't seen eddy smile wider.

their relatives' eyes are glued to him, proud smiles and happy faces, following as he walks forward. they see brett walk down the aisle, flowers scattered on the ground, at the end a beautiful arc adorned with flowers. they see the clear sky and the trees all around them. they see all these beautiful decorations but in the grooms' eyes, they only see one another.

brett reaches the end of the aisle, jean parting from his arms as he turns to face eddy.

"hi," brett can't help but smile.

"hi," eddy mirrors the exact same grin.

"we are gathered here today to celebrate the union of brett yang and eddy chen. two souls who have found each other and have decided to promise their shared love for the rest of eternity..." the officiant's voice dissipates into the air as brett looks at eddy, smiling brighter than sunshine. he looks at the man he's getting married to, the love of his life, the owner of his heart, his infinity. he looks at the way he looks beautiful in his suit, the wind blowing through his hair. he admires the way his eyes smiled along with his lips, how they're filled with just as much wonder and love now from the first time he saw them.

he looks into his eyes and all their memories come back to him. all the firsts: meeting him and talking to him and falling in love. all the small moments: going on dates and sharing coffees and laying in bed in each other's arms. all the sad moments: having to part with him and having to go on without him there. (even if he always was, in his heart.) all the big moments: asking him to be his boyfriend, finding each other after years of being apart, and this. this moment right here, getting married to eddy, being able to give his promise of his unconditional, unending love and keeping it for the rest of his life.

and he knows, they'll look back at this moment when they're old and gray, not quite remembering each detail but always feeling the same warmth spread in his chest.

he thinks about how they'll go through life together from this day till their last.

and he can't think of it any other way than this.

"brett. your vows," eddy snaps him from his reverie and brett smiles. it's always you who keeps me grounded.

"eddy," brett starts, meeting eddy's gaze as he takes his hands into his own.

"that night, when i was being rained on, looking for a way to go home, you found me. you lent me a hand, we shared an umbrella, and you walked me home.

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