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when his last few classes are cancelled, eddy decides to barge into brett's apartment. no warning, no food, he just pounds on brett's door because he wants to. 

"who is it?" 

"your beloved boyfriend," eddy answers through the door which brett opens. 

"hey. what're you doing here?" 

"i'm here to see you. what else would i be doing?

—i mean, i could, potentially, be doing you." 

"eddy!" brett blushes profusely. 

"yeah?" he smirks. 

"ugh, will you just come in!?" he says, flustered. 

"okay, okay," eddy laughs at brett's reaction. 

"so, any particular reason you visited today?" 

"nah, none really. classes were cancelled so i figured, why not?" 

"oh, that's good. come, sit down," brett sits on the sofa and eddy follows. brett lays his head on eddy's shoulder. 

"work soon?" 

"in a few hours. we can still do something." 

"hmm, you wanna do anything?" 

"nah, not really, i'm comfortable." 

"okay," eddy wraps his arm around brett's waist. the comfortable position and the sleazy atmosphere makes eddy yawn. 

"you tired?" 

"i'm fine." 

"it's okay, you can sleep a bit. lie your head on my lap," brett taps at his lap, motioning eddy to lie down. eddy follows. 

"thanks," brett hums as a reply as he cards his fingers through eddy's hair. he does it repeatedly, and eddy soon falls asleep. 

brett admires his features as he sleeps. he lightly runs his fingers across eddy's cheek, admiring all his tiny little features on his face. he thinks all of it is beautiful, thinks eddy is the most beautiful thing he's ever seen. he's all he could ever ask for. 

he kisses eddy's forehead before gently lifting his head off his lap. he gets a pillow and carefully puts it under his head, also grabbing a blanket from his room and laying it over eddy. "sleep tight," he says softly before heading onto the basement, bringing his violin with him. 


eddy wakes up feeling warm and fuzzy, comforted by a soft blanket. he panics when he thinks brett's left him alone, but he relaxes when he hears the sound of a violin coming from downstairs. he hears salut d'amour, and remembers his suggestion to play together. (he also clearly remembers why they didn't end up doing that, and, well, for that he turns redder than a rose.)

eddy comes downstairs in hopes of joining him. 

"hey. did i wake you?" 

"no, no. care if i join you?" 

"i haven't practiced enough." 

lies. he practiced this piece ever since eddy said they'd play together. 

"don't worry. me neither." 

"so we'll fuck up together?" 

"yeah, together," eddy chuckles. 

"um, how do we start? i've never played with anyone before." 


"woah. am i supposed to know? sorry," 

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