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hello there! thank you for choosing to read in the rain :) this fic is very special to me 'cause writing this got me out of my writer's block haha! but not only that, because this also is one, if not the only work i've put such an insane amount of effort and time to. i honestly can't believe i finished it but i did! (special thanks to everyone who stuck with me as i was writing this, you guys kept me going <3) i'm not actually that proud of this (except for a few select chapters) and i still have a lot of issues with the way it was written but i hope you still enjoy reading this somewhat. a vote or a comment always makes my day! thank you to everyone who spammed the comments or left even just one comment - they always managed to make me smile :) anyway, i don't want to make this too long, i just want to say thank you for reading. i really, really appreciate the fact that you could be doing anything else yet you choose to spend your time reading my story. it means a lot! i hope you enjoy this :) <3

[disclaimer] this is all fictional and self-indulgent and if somehow, in some way, brett, eddy, or anyone connected to them manages to find this, pls look away T-T

if you want extra vibes play meet me at the cafe in the background lol it's the way i freaked out when they uploaded that haha just thought it matched the story.. anyway proceed with reading! enjoy <3

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