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throughout the day, brett unconsciously keeps looking at his phone. he doesn’t do anything, really. he just looks, and waits, and maybe, he hopes. he wants it to light up and see a notification pop up. he stares at it, thinking that it would do something on its own if he looks at it long enough.

it did nothing. brett was stupid.

eddy on the other hand, also stared at his phone all day. while he’s listening to his lecture, while he's reading, he gets distracted watching the text cursor blink on and on.

he didn't even know what to text, or if he should even text at all. what was it, they said? the three day rule?

but he had already texted last night, hadn't he?

he then considers the idea of brett texting first and decides, ah fuck it. i'm not texting first. it's all on you, brett!

eddy lied.

he's working on his musicology paper in the library again that night, staring as the words on the books start blurring into each other, the letters jumbling together, his words starting to slur as his eyes close completely.

eddy's face slips from his hands as he dozes off, his forehead bumping onto the table with an audible bonk.

he suddenly wakes up to find some university students in the library staring at him. some were worried, some were just trying to hold back their laughs.

he wants to go to bed, and get some sleep but since yesterday he hasn't made much progress on his paper.

"maybe some coffee would help," he thinks. and—eureka!

"coffee! that's it!"

eddy grabs his phone, and finally the text cursor doesn't just blink.

psst, you asleep?

brett's mixing up a coffee when he sees his phone light up. he almost spills the coffee in his hands when he sees the notification.

"dude, careful." his friend-slash-coworker, jean said.

"sure. can you take care of that coffee for me?"

"like i haven't made a ton of coffees already, but sure!" jean replies with a sarcastic smile, but does it anyway. brett laughs at her attitude as he types a reply to eddy's text.

psst, you asleep?

nah. why?

was counting on that coffee you owed me… if you don't mind?

sure ofc! ... like right now?

up to you :)

oh. okay then :) you free right now?


okay okay come to this coffee shopppp
i’ll send you a link so you can find the directions if you need it

omg this place looks so nice in the pictures :D
give me a sec i’ll just gather up my things then i’ll head there :)

okay see you <3

see you <3

eddy gets his phone out to look for the directions. it wasn’t too far so he decided to walk. he browsed the pictures of the shop while walking, looking at the aesthetic. and no, he was not looking at brett’s text with the heart emoticon. not at all.

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