Breaking Germany (Chapter 1)

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"Где он? (Where is he?)" Behind himself, America heard the USSR get shushed by another one of his allies. It was probably Britain. He loved to do obnoxious things like that.

That sounded a little harsh, and America knew Britain really didn't deserve that after being such a close, faithful ally to him for over a century and a half. They had bad history together, yes, but wasn't America just acting selfish by not being as accepting to Britain as he should? His colonizer was trying to be better to the country that once stood helplessly at his mercy, and America knew that. For some reason, though, America couldn't stop himself from turning his back to the United Kingdom. No matter how hard Britain tried, America always seemed to give him the cold shoulder. It wasn't like it was purposeful or anything! But America, even now, well over one hundred years later, still felt strong feelings of resentment towards his once-ruler. This often caused his temper with Britain to be short lived and full of fury when it snapped. He would often explode at Britain during their meetings with the other allies, usually getting to the point where only France could calm him down. She was like the mother he never had in more ways than one. Yet Britain still persisted.

And it was working. At least, America was pretty sure it was. As the years went by, his and Britain's relationship was slowly improving. What used to be a very suspicious and angry relationship- especially from the American- was, by then, a somewhat fractured acquaintance. Perhaps they were even borderline friends. Although, that idea made America uneasy. He tried not to think about it.

Speaking of Britain, America was snapped out of his thoughts when the smaller country peeked around him, brushing his arm- on accident,  presumably- and causing the American to jump a bit. "Sorry." Britain whispered, having felt America jump and tense up. The monarchy was very aware of America's resentful feelings towards him that still stood. Because of this, Britain always tried to be a friendly face to the younger country.

America, who'd been in the front of the three strongest allied forces, spying on Nazi troops, was replaced by Britain stepping in front of him to get a closer look. For several minutes, the UK stood completely still, simply observing their enemies. After what seemed like ages, Britain stepped back and faced the other countries on his side. "We're getting close. There will be more Nazi guards. It will be more difficult to continue on." Britain informed in a hushed tone. He looked at the countries who were listening intently for a moment before continuing. "I believe it would be in our best interest to make camp for the night. It's getting darker and we'll need our rest to take out Third Reich."

With a scoff America shoved forward and looked at the guards before them. It really wasn't that many. Beside, they were countries. Humans stood no chance against them. "That's ridiculous you teabag." America grumbled, with no particular kindness. "We can get there in less than an hour if we actually try and stop being pussies. Besides! Nazi's not as strong as you think he is. He's not as strong as he thinks he is, either."

Britain swallowed his nervousness- ha! Who would've thought he'd ever be nervous around one of his own colonies?- and replied timidly with: "Well, uh... we all understand that Third Reich is a-a very serious threat, yes? I think it'll be safer if we-"

"Actually, Britain, let me stop you there." The USSR interrupted in his deep Russian accent, directing everyone's attention towards himself. "The American is right, for once" -this caused America to give him a low growl- "in his claim that Third Reich is weaker than most of us believe."

"While I appreciate the support," America gritted out, very sarcastically, "didn't Nazi half kill you? After you chose to trust him? And ally yourself with him?" America's scowl turned up into a heartfelt sneer.

Soviet balled his red hands into fists and took a menacing step towards America, angry that the annoying asshole of a county was so carelessly pouring salt into an open wound like that. "You little-"

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