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You usually had a 'meh' feeling about Wednesdays. Wednesday was in the middle of the school week, close to end but, too far to be the beginning. Today was Wednesday and you were excited to be at school. Maybe it was because you were finally getting to be closer friends with some of your classmates? Maybe you had liked one the of subjects you're learning? You couldn't tell either way.

You sat in English, finishing one last sentence on your paper with your pen, before walking up to the front of the room and placing the paper on your teachers desk. You just finished a test, and yes, you were still happy to be at school.

Even this shocked you. Why were you so very pleased to be here? You've been going here for months and nothing had changed really. You just got a few new pals here and there.

You sighed as you took your seat, looking at the people around you. It seemed like you weren't the only one finished. You looked at some of your classmates. Some of them looked like the were struggling, others looked like they were zooming through the test.

Maybe that was it! You were confident about the test. That had to be it, no other explanation.

You looked at the ticking clock above you, only 10 more minutes left to take the test. This shouldn't be too long.


You were right. 10 minutes was up in no time. The bell had rung and most students walked out and handed their tests in. You got up and looked around the classroom. Mina, Denki, and Sero were all huddled around one desk talking to each other. Mina was sitting on the desk while the two males were standing up, or leaning on something once and awhile You smiled as you walked over towards them.

"Hey guys!" You said as you took a seat at the desk right next to the one they were near. They looked at you with smiles plastered onto their faces.

"Yo! Y/n, what's up?" Denki asked you as he placed an arm around your shoulder playfully. You laughed. "Nothing really? How do you think you did on the test?" You asked him and his face basically melted into a dead looking one.

"I hate English..." He moaned as he pouted. This caused you to let out a tiny chuckle. "Well I think-" You were suddenly cut off by Mina. "Sero do you think you could remind me to go shopping today?" She asked him and he nodded and smiled at her energy. This is fine. She didn''t mean to cut you off. You're okay. Suck it up.

"yeah no problem, you better pray that I don't forget though." He snickered as he stuck out his younger. She playfully hit him back, causing him to yelp. "So what are y-"

"Wait are you going to the mall!? Can we go to the arcade please!" Denki's voice interrupted you. This caused you to slightly frown. You started to bite the inside of your cheek, probably causing some scar tissue to form there later. You could taste the warm metal taste in your mouth before you decided to stop.

This IS fine. You're okay. Stop being such a little bitch Y/n. People don't like bitches. Just talk louder next time, yeah that's a good idea. Just talk a LITTLE bit louder.


"Maybe if you're nice and buy me something~"

"Cmon Mina, no fair!"

"Hahaha girls always get what they want Denki, just buy her something."

"Nah you dont have to, I'm just playing with you guys!"

You opened your mouth to say something again. "Um.." This caused Denki to look at you with a look that you've never seen him give someone. It was almost like a polite scowl? You didn't know if that's the right way to put it. But you knew you probably shouldn't take it in a nice way.

"If you got something to say, then just say it instead of just saying 'um' over and over again. It gets kinda annoying you know." Denki finally said. Mina slightly hit him on the shoulder. Annoying? I'm annoying to them? I didn't know. I'm sorry. Please don't say other things about me. Ill stop...

"Cmon Kaminari, you could've said it nicer." Mina said as she looked down. Your mouth parted just slightly as it closed back again. So she agrees.. "I'm sorry.." You stood up quickly. "I'll leave now, I'm sorry again." You quickly stormed out of the classroom. Your stomach felt queasy, almost if it were made out of rubber and someone were stretching it one way or another. Your eyes dared to water as you quickly rubbed them with your sleeve.

Not sure as to where you were going, you aimlessly roamed around the halls of UA. You then crossed paths with a stairway and you say that it lead to the roof. You panted as you ran towards the rooftop, once you made it to the top, you pushed the doors open. they made a small creeeeaaak as they opened and shut. You slumped against them as you felt your breath hitch. You then move over towards a wall.

You took a deep breath before a your breath quivered out. Tears threatening to escape your eyes. You buried your head into your arms as you quietly sobbed. Here come the waterworks.

I'm such a crybaby.. I hate it. I hate this. My friends think I'm annoying, I cant do this. Maybe I should just go back to being online for school. I cant be a hero if I cant even stand people calling me annoying. Fuck I'm so pathetic.

You then did something you never thought you would do. "Y/N L/N IS A FUCKING LOSER WHO CANT HANDLE A FEW HARSH WORDS! EVERYONE KNOWS IT BY NOWWW!" You yelled out with a laugh, your face stained with tears, soaking your sleeves. Your laughing slowly turned into louder sobs. Its not like anyone would hear, so why not go all out. And even if they did, why would they help. You'd pity them for helping you out.

An: I'm not motivated to write this story anymore but I WILL finish it.

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