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April: 62

Liam: 63

Hey. Liam.

Guess what?

We're really old.

Honestly, this week has been a whirl wind. We knew it was coming.. We knew Eileen was pregnant and that Ian was going to be a father. But I don't think we realized that Ian becoming a father would mean the two of us becoming grandparents. Didn't we talk once when we were in our twenties about how when we became grandparents, that was it? That just always seemed as far as we would get.

But hey, here we are. We have a beautiful little grand-daughter. She's beautiful. Pink, squished skin and beautiful blue eyes. Looks like our brilliant genes are going to continue! 

I just think our kids are scheming against us.. Decided to give us a handful of grandchildren at one time. Tori is going to have our second grandchild in a month, and Layla just announced her pregnancy. Although, we can't say it surprised us. Layla and Tori certainly lived up to the twin cliches. They've always done everything together.

We're back to how we started.. Just you and I. Everyone else has their own life now.. And Carter is following in your footsteps. I thought we were done with stardom, and then he went and got discovered. I'm proud of him. I'm proud of all our off-spring. Why did we stop at four? We are just brilliant parents.

Okay, kidding, we could barely handle the four of them. 

I don't really know why I'm writing this letter. We haven't done it in such a long time.. I just felt the need to pick up a pen and write to you.. Like we used to do years ago. We were a bit obsessed with letters, weren't we? I lost count.. But I think we were somewhere in our three thousands? My goodness, how did our hands not fall off?

I hear little Brianna crying in the other room with Eileen.. I'm going to go check on them. I'll probably beg to hold Brianna again. She's so beautiful.. Reminds me of when we first brought Ian home. I can't wait until she's old enough to hear our story. How her grandpa was a world-known popstar. How we fell madly in love with each other. Maybe she'll read these letters. Who knows?

Stay handsome ;)


PS, I love you!

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