Chapter 4: Teaming Up

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Location: Dr Facilier's Voodoo Arcade

"Hey!" Dr Facilier explained when he saw his daughter walk in.

"Daddy!" Celia yelled as she ran to her father.

"There she is! Ha!" Dr Faciliar yelled from the balcony. Celia ran to his side and they both began to do their little dance, after the dance he pointed to his cheek but instead of kissing it, she flicked his hat. "Hey! Come here, you little rascal." Celia ran from her father but in a split second he caught her. "So, what kind of hustle you got going on with them shiny people?"

"No hustle, I got friends on the other side.

"Ah, I hear you, I hear you."

"We're on a mission. I'm kind of a major player, so... that's why I can't stay long."

"You make sure you get your cut." Dr Facilier advised his daughter. Carlos, getting bored, decided to turn the TV on.

"Alerts of the sleeping spell keep coming in as it spreads throughout Auradon." A male reporter's voice came from the TV.

"Uh, guys? Come look at this." Carlos called everyone.

"There are rumours that Sleeping Beauty's daughter, Audrey, is behind the spell. We're trying to discover who is responsible for these vicious lies and which villain has perpetrated this evil. We have an update. It's what? It's moving this way? It's moving this way!" Everyone looed at the TV in shocked. They had to stop Audrey. After Celia found Brooklyn's emergency key for Hades Lair, they all left, only to find their bikes being hijacked by their favourite people, Brooklyn's boyfriend and brother - Harry and Gil.

"Long time nae see!" Harry laughed.

"Get off my bike, Hook!" Jay demanded.

"Catch me if you can, Jay!" Harry teased.

"Over the roofs! Cut 'em off." Jay said to Evie and Carlos.

"Where's Brooklyn when you need her?" Evie asked herself. Evie, Carlos and Jay took off, Evie went straight down the alley and the boys went straight to the roofs. Celia went to join but Mal grabbed her before she could.

"Hey, hey, hey, not you. They got this. You and me have got to find the ember."

"Good timing, it's right about his nap time."

Location: Hades Cave

Hades' cave had giant letters reading 'GET LOST' spread across the entrance, the gate looked like a skull. Celia grabbed Brooklyn's emergency key from her pocket just as Mal noticed the sign. 'BEWARE OF DOG' with a silhouette of a three-headed dog.

"How big is that dog?" Mal asked.

"You'll see. Okay, stay quiet, it echoes like crazy in here."

Celia puts on helmet with a light on top. Both girls climb on the metal bike and travel for a few minutes. When they got there, they realised that Brooklyn was already there, asking for advice.

"I'm scared." Brooklyn whispered, her voice softly cracking.

"It's ok to be scared, I was. But I know that you will be amazing. You have nothing to fear." Hades smiled at her. "You will not be alone, you have me, Enchantress, Harry, Gil and, Gaston. We will all be there the whole way." Hades words reassured her, she knew she would never be alone.

"Thanks Uncle Hades." Brooklyn have him a soft smile and gave him a tight hug in thanks.

They had not seen the two yet, knowing this, Mal pointed too behind the sofa while Celia walked forward and shut off the record.

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