Chapter 3: Finding Brooklyn

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Location: Isle of the Lost

"Ben!" Carlos called out.


"Help me with the tarp. Jay?"

"Yeah? I got it." Jay grabbed the other corner of the tarp as they covered the limo from plain sight.

"It's really weird being back here." Evie whispered to Jay, she was worried she go back to being the girl on the Isle, and she didn't want to be that girl again.

"We'll get in and get out." Jay reassured her.

"Hey, what's in here?" Been asked, looking down a large pipe

"Ben!" Carlos pulled him away. "You don't want to know." He looked at everyone. "Hey guys. Keep it chill, all right? The last thing we need is our parents figuring out we're here."

"What we need to do right now... is to find Brooklyn

Location: The LeGume House

Brooklyn sat at the dinner table with her father eating their dinner, Gil wasn't able to join this time because Uma had run him ragged, Brooklyn said she'd do something but Gil wouldn't let her.

"How was work?" Her father, Gaston, asked. He was so proud that she was doing some worthwhile in her life, and especially at a young age. He wanted to make sure she had all the support she needed.

"It was difficult, I was able to get some of the kids to listen to me, some still won't. but I'm making progress." Brooklyn smiled.

"Need any help?"

"I need someone for the self-defence class."

"I can do that." Gaston nodded.

"I'm glad." Brooklyn smiled at her father, she knew he needed to do something, he was going crazy on this island.

"Anything else?" He asked.

"I'm still trying to get a safe haven set up but I don't know where. I want it at the school so that they can feel secure and safe, but how do I do that without magic?" Brooklyn still wasn't able to use her magic, the permission she was given never worked. She had to so everything by hand which had been extremely difficult. She never trusted the Royals before visiting, but she thought that after everything and bonds she formed, they would trust her with her magic. But no.

"Well, you could set up a temporary safe haven somewhere high. Where there aren't many entry points so you know that they would be safe, get cameras set up around possible entries. I can help you with the protection and where to put them, I can find a safe enough place because of the hunts I used to do, I know how to sneak. I'll make sure that any possible entry point is safe."

"That sounds amazing dad. If it's done well enough, I might just have that as the actual safe haven and set up a connection between the school and itself, maybe like an underground tunnel."

"Harry came by again." Gaston smirked at his daughter.

"Really. What was it this time?" She refused to look at him.

"He waned to see how the school was going. He wanted to see you, again. Pumpkin, I really think you guys should talk. He really loves you."

"I really love him too, but I refuse to be second to Uma, if he wants to be with me, I am to be first, or at least before Uma. I'm a queen who deserves to be worshipped." Brooklyn smirked at her father. There was a knocked at the door.

"I wonder who that is?" Gaston teased his daughter, thinking it was Harry coming to see Brooklyn again, he got up and went to open the door. But he was surprised to see who was there instead.

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