Chapter 5: Fake Wand

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Location: Pipe Entrance

Brooklyn met up with Mal and Evie at the pipe entrance waiting for Jay and Carlos to come back with FG's 'wand'.

"What's taking so long?" Mal looked out to Auradon in worry. As soon as she said that, she saw bridge forming and the limo driving towards them. "There they are!" Jay and Carlos exited the vehicle, but they weren't alone.

"I'll get the swords." Jay said to the unknown person.

"Ok." It was Lonnie!

"Lonnie!" Brooklyn smiled widely say the site of Mulan's daughter.

"I made them bring me." Lonnie said aloud as she hugged each girl.

"I'm so glad." Mal whispered. She was genuinely happy that she was there. They could use all the help they could get.

"Welcome to the Isle, it's good to see you." Evie welcomed as she hugged Lonnie.


Jay opened the trunk to grabbed the sword when he was welcomed to the site of a stowaway. "And Dude."

"I told you to stay." Carlos lectured Dude.

"I flunked obedience school." Dude shrugged.

"And he can still talk."

"I love you, come on." Carlos sighed.

"Ohh, here let me see." Brooklyn grabbed one of the swords. "What a beauty." Brooklyn examined the sword in admiration. It was beautiful.

"It's almost noon." Jay called out the time. It was time for the plan.


"Let's do this." They all walked down the pipe, but Carlos halted. He sighed.

"Stay! I mean it." He pointed at Dude, before he joined the others the pipe and saw Uma's ship, Brooklyn saw Harry drag Ben to the plank.

Location: Lost Revenge

"Hey guys! They're here!" Brooklyn's brother yelled to Uma.

"Welcome! Finally!" Uma smirked in an evil manner to the group.


Huh, let's get this party started

I swear I'm cold-hearted

There's no negotiation

I'm not here for debatin'

You need some motivation?

Just look at Ben's face

Then ask yourself how long you think I'll remain patient

I'll throw him overboard and let him swim with killer sharks

You either hand over the wand or he'll be ripped apart


Now, let's all just be smart Although for you that must be hard

You'll get your wand

No one has to come to any harm

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