Chapter 5

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(I do not own the images to these stories.)
Amanda kept looking in her rear-view mirror to make sure that Mr. Jacobson was right behind her. Mr. Jacobson? He told her that when they were not on campus to call him, Mark. She however was pretty sure that her parents and even her uncle wouldn't like it if she called him that in front of them. It was probably best just to call him, Mr. Jacobson when they reached home.

As they got closer to her home, her butterflies began swarming in her stomach again. Not from her attraction to him, but because the whole thing was going to be uncomfortable. It would just be her, her parents, her uncle, and her teacher. Even though she was almost eighteen, the thought of it made her feel like a small child. How was she going to interact with everyone?

When they finally reached her home, he followed her right into the driveway. It was no secret that her family had money, so it would not be all that unexpected that they lived in a big house. However, Amanda wondered if the size of her home would seem intimidating to him.

Why was she so worried about this evening?  Maybe because she was attracted to him. She honestly didn't know how to act around him. So being so close to him, while he would likely hang out with her family, just seemed to make the entire situation even more uncomfortable. But then again, she was the one who invited him.

She got out of her car, and he was not far behind.  As they walked towards the front door, he stared at her home in what she could only assume was a look of wide-eyed amazement. "Wow, you have an incredible home."

"Thank you." She said. "Of course, it's not really mine. I just live here rent-free, with my parents."

"Are you sure it's alright my being here?" He asked. "I mean most teachers don't follow their students home just to take a shower."

"Nonsense." She told him. "I called my mom, she completely understands. She agreed with me that it was the least we could do."

"Well, if you say so."  He said as he gave her a sweet smile. Mark then gently placed his hand on her shoulder. It almost felt as though a spark had passed between them.

"Oh um, I know we had a deal." She said. "But I'm pretty sure that my parents would frown upon me calling you by your first name. I'm sure my uncle would be none too pleased about it either. So even though we said that I would call you Mark, when we were off-campus, I think it would be best if I just refer to you as Mr. Jacobson."

"Well, since your uncle is my boss, I would say that my being around your family counts as school grounds." He replied. "But if you change your mind, feel free to call me Mark in front of your family."

"Okay." She said as she smiled. With that, she entered the passcode to the front door—331119.  It was easier than using her key, which she did carry as a backup in case there was a loss of power. As she opened the door, she called to her mother. "Mom, I'm home!"

To Amanda's relief, the air conditioner was working. At least she would be more likely to get a good night's sleep. As they entered the house, her mother came to greet them. Her mom was practically gleaming. "Hello Dear, I hope that you had an amazing first day."

Her mom then looked towards Mark and extended her hand. "Hi, you must be Mr. Jacobson. I'm Esther Addington, Amanda's mother."

"It's nice to meet you, Mrs. Addington." He said as he smiled and shook her hand.

"Oh please, call me Esther." Her mother replied. "I want to thank you for helping Amanda today, that was very kind of you."

"Well then, please feel free to call me Mark." He said. "And helping Amanda was no trouble at all. You should be very proud of your daughter. She's a very bright girl, with a bright future ahead of her.  I believe that what she is destined for, is unfathomable to all of you."

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