Chapter 29

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(I do not own the images to theses stories.)
Amanda entered the Grand Ballroom of the hotel, and she couldn't believe her eyes. As she looked around, she was in awe of the scene around her. Her parents had always thrown together an impressive Halloween party every year, but this was massive. The opulent room went on as far as the eye could see. Instead of having typical chandeliers, the glass ceiling was lit up as the pane around each window was surrounded by lights.

The room itself had been decorated to be Egyptian themed. It had been decorated with many symbols like scarabs, sarcophaguses, and tombs that depicted ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics. The entire ballroom was adorned with swags in a rainbow array of different jewel tones that draped the walls, and the windows. And the waitstaff were dressed as Egyptian servants. It was all incredible, and Amanda couldn't believe that it was all for her.

But as she stood at the entrance, everyone and everything stopped.  She couldn't remember the song that the band had been playing before, but once she had stepped into the room; they began playing "Happy Birthday to You". Everyone looked at her and smiled as they all started singing to her in unison. Amanda began to blush as it was a bit overwhelming for her.

She was touched by all the love in the room, but at the same time she wasn't used to so many people lavishing such attention on her. The band leader smiled at her, while he motioned for her to join him on the bandstand. When she got there, he offered her his hand, and helped her up as she was now standing next to him. 

Amanda looked around the room as there was a sea of applause from family, friends, and some acquaintances that she knew through her parents. As happy as she felt, she was sad that her uncle wasn't there. As everyone continued to clap for her, she saw all of her close school friends and most of her teachers, including Mark. But she couldn't help but notice two people who weren't there, Mrs. Crenshaw and Dr. Black.

Despite the fact that she learned that Dr. Black might have been an imposter, she was a bit disappointed. But if he was a pervert, who was parading as a doctor to take advantage of young women, then it was probably a good thing that he wasn't there. Although, if Dr. Black was there, maybe he could have seen Dr. Corman and end up proving that he was a legitimate doctor that had just been forgotten about. But since he wasn't there, then it was likely he was just some sick imposter.

And even though Karen Crenshaw was no fan of her family, she did always attend every year. Her ex-husband had always been friends with Amanda's father, and since it was the social event of the year, Mrs. Crenshaw had always found a way to finagle an invitation. So why would she not attend this year, especially since she had turned over a new leaf?

Amanda was lost in her thoughts when the band leader began to speak into the microphone. "Amanda Addington! Tonight is the eve of your eighteenth birthday! This is a special night to celebrate with your parents, and everyone else you see here tonight in this room; for this was the night you were born. I'm sure that many suitors will ask you to dance, but the first dance goes to your father, James!"

The crowd erupted into applause as her father made his way over to her. He was beaming from ear to ear, and she couldn't help but cry. Amanda became overwhelmed by all the love in the room, especially from her own parents. She didn't even care that her father looked ridiculous in his costume with the falcon shaped crown upon his head.

As they embraced, he whispered in her ear. "May I have this dance, my dear?"

She gave him a peck on the cheek as he took her hand. But as the music began to play, she thought that the song itself was an odd selection.

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