Chapter 31

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(I do not own the images to these stories.)
Amanda just shook her head in disbelief. How could this be? Why would her father just say that? Horrified, she looked over at her mother. She had expected her mother to look as worried, or at the very least as confused as she felt. But instead her mother had the same teary-eyed look upon her face as Amanda's father. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. "Mother? Father?"

"Don't be afraid Mandy." The soothing sound of her mother's voice was anything but comforting to her.

"We love you, Amanda." Yet another familiar voice said from behind.  She turned around and saw Carla walking towards her. Frightened, Amanda just kept shaking her head as she did her best to hold back her tears.

"What the hell is going on?" she cried.

"They belong to me now, or rather to us." Mark proclaimed, as he was walking towards her. As he did, everyone in the room bowed to him in reverence. Everyone that is, except for Amanda. She was too afraid to move. And even if she wasn't, she would have never bowed to him anyway.

Amanda's feelings began to teeter upon both fear and anger. "What have you done to them? I don't know what kind of a spell, or hold you have over them but release them at once!"

She wanted to show him that she was brave enough to stand up to him. Perhaps she knew better, but she did her best to be intimidating. But Mark just began to laugh maniacally instead.

"I see that you are embracing your title as queen. Good, you are learning. There are not that many who would dare talk to me like that, and not that many who would not suffer the consequences for doing so."

Maybe she was full of adrenalin, or perhaps she was too angry or even too frightened to care. Whatever it was, she let him have it. "I don't give a damn! Punish me if you think I am being insolent! But release them; immediately!"

But instead of giving into her demands, or even getting angry, Mark began to chuckle. "Would that I could, but even if I could, I wouldn't."

"What the fuck does that even mean?" she demanded. "Why are you talking in riddles?  Is this some sort of a sick joke to you?  Because I sure as hell don't find this amusing at all." Hot tears began to well up in her eyes. Now she was too angry to be scared. Her body was shaking, and she gritted her teeth so hard that it felt as though they were going to shatter.

Mark had a smirk upon his face as she could tell that he was sarcastically acting shocked by her response. "You're beautiful when you're angry, and such shocking language for a proper young lady; let alone the reincarnation of a Pharaoh's daughter. I do believe it is turning me on."

"You sick fuck!" she exclaimed.

"Ah, ah, ah, my dear." He chuckled. "In due time; later tonight. But we must complete the ceremony first before we consummate our union."

"What ceremony?" she asked.

"Our wedding of course." He answered. "Or a joining of our eternal union. It all depends on how you look at it." All she wanted to do was slap the smug look right off his face. His words made her sick to her stomach as she was actually contemplating throwing up on him.

"In your dreams, pal." She growled.

"Charming as you are beautiful." He replied. "And your right, it has been in my dreams for a long time. However, this is one dream that will come true; if you truly care about your friends and family like you say you do."

"Release them!" she demanded. "I don't know what sort of a spell you have over everyone, or if they're all possessed.  But only a coward would threaten the people I love so you can try and force me into marry you."

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