Chapter 38

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(I do not own the images to these stories.)
Maashes's eyes were as big as saucers as he roared in anger. "No! I forbid it!"

Bassel, on the other hand, tried to remain more diplomatic as he bowed to Bastet. "Forgive me. For even though I am just a humble servant, I must protest. But please, your eminence, do not end her life."

"How dare you!" Bastet exclaimed. Her voice bellowed throughout the tomb, causing it to reverberate against the stone walls. Even the pillars holding up the ceiling began to shake as if they too were trembling in fear from the goddess's anger.

"You dare question me?" She asked. "A mere temple guard, as well as my own son. I haven't even made my decision, and you are both ready to protest. Keep in mind that it was the two of you that brought her to this point."

"I think you are forgetting about Apep, mother!" Maashes snapped.

Bassel was stunned, as he couldn't believe that Maashes could be so arrogant. He froze in fear, waiting for Bastet's wrath.

"I said silence!" Bastet exclaimed. This time the entire tomb shook, and even some dust and small pebbles began to fall from the ceiling. "You may be my son, and the god of war, but never forget your place! My final decision will stand! And you will all accept it. Now, Amanda's parents were good people, and their souls are in a good place. If I grant her request, she will join them. But I warn you my dear, as stated before, once a person's soul leaves their body—that soul is no longer that person. The souls of those you loved will of course welcome you, but your soul will be no different to them than any other soul they encounter."

Amanda held a look in her eyes of pure sadness, and disappointment. "Are you saying my parents no longer love me?"

"There is love where they are, but it is a love that is equally shared by all." Bastet replied. "But you will not be any more special to them, nor will they be to you. Or even for that matter, to each other."

"But at least I will be with them." Amanda cried. "And even though it may not be the same, we will still love each other on some level." The tears gently streamed down her cheeks, as the drops glistened against her delicate skin. There was an innocent beauty about her that could not be denied.

Bastet sighed. "That is true my dear, so I will grant you your request. However, I fear that your decision may be rash due to the circumstances that you find yourself in. So I will give you one earth day to decide. If you still wish to die, then I shall grant you your death. But if you change your mind, you too must accept my final decision."

"I protest!" Maashes exclaimed. "By making that last statement, you are giving her more of an incentive to choose death!"

"Bite your tongue, lion god!" Bastet snapped. "Or I will remove it from you!"

She then looked at Bassel, while her eyes burned with authority; almost daring him to look away. "Do you have something to say?"

Bassel then kept his head down, as he solemnly replied. "No your eminence."

Bastet's eyes softened as she looked somewhat pleased. "Good."

"It doesn't matter anyway." Amanda proclaimed. "I am not going to change my mind."

"We shall see." Bastet told her. The cat goddess then turned her attention towards Maashes and Bassel. "I will leave it to the two of you to try and change her mind. If you fail, then I will reunite her with her loved ones."

"You're leaving me alone with them?" Amanda asked.

Bastet's face held no emotion as she answered Amanda. "If they love you as much as they say they do, then I am hopeful that they will be able to convince you not to wish for death. If they fail, then you will be reunited with your family. If you truly believe that they will be unable to change your mind, then having to wait another twenty-four hours will not be that difficult for you."

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