Chapter 4

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(I do not own the images to these stories.)
Amanda watched as the rest of her classmates exited the room. Her butterflies from earlier were now swarming around in her stomach, even faster than before. With her heart all a flutter, she watched as Mr. Jacobson shut the classroom door. Feeling nervous, she struggled to get out her words. "You-you wanted to talk to me, Mr. Jacobson?"

He turned around, looked at her, smiled, and gestured towards the desks in front of him. "Please Miss Addington, sit down."  His smile made her just want to melt right into the floor, as his eyes stared through her very being. Her mind felt as though she were a small child full of awe and whimsy, while her body felt a heat burning within her core. Amanda tightly crossed her legs, while she waited in anticipation for him to say something.

"I must admit, I was very impressed with your knowledge of Egyptian Mythology." He said. "It is rare to see students these days to have as much knowledge about it as you do."

"Thank you, Mr. Jacobson." Amanda replied. "But I can't take all of the credit. My uncle was an archeological professor before he became a headmaster at Winworth Academy. He specialized in ancient Egypt and loved to tell stories about it while I was growing up. He was such a great storyteller, that I would get completely lost in them."

"Please Amanda, may I call you Amanda?" he asked. His smile was so enchanting, that she could hardly tell him, "No."

"Sure." She gleefully quipped.

"My father's name is Mr. Jacobson." He said. "The last bell has rung, and school is officially over for the day. You may call me Mark."

"Um...I'm not sure if I feel comfortable about that." She told him. "Winworth Academy has very strict rules about that. I have to refer to my uncle as Mr. Addington while I am here."

"I understand." He said. "I'll tell you what, let's compromise. You can call me Mark if we are not on school grounds, deal?"

"Deal." She said, as he made her blush. Between her fluttering heart, and the fact that she couldn't help but smile; she began to wonder if she was ever going to be in control of her body while she was around him.

"Professor of Archeology, huh?" he asked, as he furrowed his brow, while he had a smirk on his face. "So, your uncle's a regular Indiana Jones?"

"Something like that." She answered. "But maybe not as exciting."

"Well, that being said, you definitely seem to know a lot about the subject." He told her. "I was wondering if you would like to help me out with some research that I am doing on Egyptian lore. I've been working on a book and could really use some help with it by someone with your knowledge. I am willing to pay you, of course. I would never ask you to do extra work like that for free. I will give you credit towards the book if it gets published. You would not only be compensated for your help with my research, but you would get compensated for your share of the profits from book sales. Although, I doubt that a book like this will make millions, but it will look impressive on a college application or a job resume. So, what do you say?"

"I would be delighted!" she answered. Amanda was completely giddy about the thought of working closely with him. She actually felt as though she had to keep herself from smiling too much, but her mind was caught in a whirlwind of excitement!

"Great!" he said. "Can you meet with me after school tomorrow?"

"Of course." She replied. "I am looking forward to it. Thank you for this opportunity, Mr. Jacobson."

"No thank you, Amanda." He said with a sweet smile. "I really appreciate the help. You know what, I was thinking about whether or not you took the bus. Do you have a ride home?"

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