I don't belong here...

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Carlos was sitting in his dorm messing with the 3D printer trying to make Jane a present. "What are you doing?" Dude said laying on the bed, "Making Jane a present. And I'm never going to get used to you talking!!" Carlos said. "You'll have to, it's one of my specialities." Dude said. Jay then walked into the room, "Fencing practice lets go." Jay said, Carlos got up and followed him. "Why would he pick him to be team captain? '' Chad whispered to Steven (Snow White's son). "Cause he's better than you." Steven responded before walking away from Chad. Chad's months had been hell, Audrey dumped him and is now dating Steven. Him and Ben's friendship is nothing, Ben actually hates him. "On guard." Jay said and then the fight began. Bit by bit, hit by hit boys started to get out. Chad was first, then Carlos, then Steven and then a few others. Two stood in the room still battling, and then something amazing happened. One of them knocked the sword out of the other's hand causing it to fly across the room. Jay reveals himself as the sword less person, then the other person reveals themselves. Lonnie. Girls started to cheer and Lonnie smiled. "Welcome to the team!" Jay said, "uh no! No girls allowed. Read the rules!" Chad said before pulling out the rule book, "A team must be a leader and 8 men! See!" Chad said. Jay looked at Lonnie, "I'm so sorry." Jay said, "ya know, I thought you'd be accepting since you're from the isle. Where girls practically rule. My mother didn't win the war by not fighting!" Lonnie said before leaving. Jay felt guilty and immediately tried to think of ways to put Lonnie on the team. Carlos looked up at Jane who smiled but before he could talk to her, she walked away.

Mason ran into Mal and Evie's dorm and changed into his villain attire; he had clearly been crying. "I don't belong here." He said crying, he looked in the mirror. "Reverse the spell on my eye, make it show what I try to hide." He said, his eyes faded from natural to purple. He then looked at his natural hair and then he looked at the time Mal and Evie were about to return so he couldn't change his hair but he knew someone on the isle who could. He wrote a note to the Vks, Audrey and Ben before leaving the room. He ran to the parking lot to see his Vespa that Ben bought him. He got on it and drove to the bridge of Auradon. "Noble steed proud and fair, you shall take me anywhere." He said and drove off the bridge, the moped started to bounce off of the water and eventually he drove into the isle. He sped through the street and parked, he saw a poster of him and Ben. He smiled and ripped it off of the wall, everyone was staring. "I'm rotten to the core." He said before strutting through the isle.

Ben was sitting in his office when Mal and Evie ran in, they clearly looked worried. "What's going on? Is Mason okay." Ben said. Mal and Evie look at each other, "Mason has gone back to the isle." Evie said, looking at Ben. Ben's mouth dropped, "it's my fault, I have to go there and apologise!" Ben said standing up, "you can't go there alone, we'll go with you. And we'll bring the boys. Stronger in numbers." Mal said, Ben nodded. Mal walked out of the room, Evie walked up to Ben and said, "promise me something, promise me I won't get stuck there again." Evie said. Ben nodded and said, "I promise." Evie smiled and said, "let's get you fitted." Evie said. "Fitted?" Ben said, Evie nodded and said, "you need to blend in. Look, talk and act like a VK." Evie then took his hand and walked him to her dorm. And started to fit him in leather.

Mason walked into Lady Tremaine's curl up and dye hair salon, "I'm back." Mason said, Dizzy smiled and ran over to him. "Is Evie with you?" She said she was the daughter of Drizella, one of the ugly stepsisters. "Evie isn't with me this time, but I need some help." Mason said, "this hair really isn't me and since the spell and dye is permanent it didn't wash off going through the barrier." Mason added. Dizzy pulled him to chair and sat him down, "what is this color? Bored to death brown? How far can I go?" Dizzy said. "As far as you want, I just wanna look like me." He said. And then it began, she dyed his hair, then curled it, then straightened it and finally styled it. When Mason looked in the mirror he loved what he saw, he had blonde hair with pink streaks that just made him feel more like him. "Wow, amazing!" He said looking at himself in the mirror. Mason turned and handed Dizzy a packet of mini chocolate peanut butter cups. "Oh my god! Thank you!" Dizzy shouted before hugging Mason. She then hid them, just as she did Harry hook walked in smiling. "I thought I smelt royalty, just wait until Uma here's your back!" Harry said, Mason laughed. "Who's Uma? I only know shrimpy." Mason responded. "Hand it over!" He said to Dizzy who handed him some change, "do you get to keep the things you steal now? Or does shrimpy take them?" Mason said. Harry looked at him, "see you soon." He said before pushing stuff on the floor and leaving. "Great, more sweeping Dizzy said. 

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