Did I Mention?

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The group head to the kitchen and Mason starts the spell, "It can be baked into things so let's bake them into cookies so Ben doesn't suspect anything. Also we need one tear of genuine human sadness." Mason said, adding the cookie ingredients. Lonnie walks in smiling, "Whatcha baking?" She said looking at the group. "Just cookies. Even though I've never baked before." Mason said, stirring the batter. "Well you need some chocolate chips." Lonnie said grabbing them from the refrigerator, she added them to the mix. "Wait didn't your parents ever bake you chocolate chip cookies? Like when you're feeling sad and they are fresh from the oven with a big glass of milk and she just makes you laugh and helps you put everything in perspective." Lonnie looks around, everyone is silent. Lonnie sheds a tear and Mason uses magic to make it fall into the batter. "I just thought that Villains would love their kids." Lonnie said. "Big Bummer but we have to get these into the oven so we'll see you later!" Mal said escorting out. "Boomsha!" Mason shouts causing a purple bang. "It's ready!" Mason said. They then make the cookies and put them into the oven ready for Ben to eat.

That morning, Ben and Audrey arrived at their lockers to see all of the cheerleaders with new hairstyles. They are all admiring them when Mason walks over to his locker, "Mason!" one of them shouted, he turned around and waved before opening his locker. Jay walks up to Mason and says, "Don't you feel kind of bad about this? I mean I like it here." Jay said leaning on the lockers. Mason looked disgusted and said, "Are you insane??! Long live evil! You're mean, you're awful! Your bad news! Snap out of it." He then snapped his fingers and Jay smiled, "Thanks May. I needed that!" he then walked away. "Do you think they actually paid for those?" Audrey said looking at the cheerleaders. Jay walked over and said, "Hello." The cheerleaders run up to him smiling and talking. "The names Jay, you all coming to the tourney game tonight?" Jay said smiling, they all replied with 'yeah.' "Well look out for number 8. I'll be scoring the winning goal." Jay said before walking away. "She did it to Jane's hair too, and Fairy Godmother is not happy about it!" Audrey said, annoyed and a bit jealous. "What's the harm?" Ben said smiling, Audrey got even more annoyed and said, "It's gateway magic. First the hair then the lips and the legs and the clothes and then everyone looks good! Where will I be?" Ben shrugged his shoulders and said "uh..listen Audrey." Audrey ignored him and said, "I will see you after the game! Okay?" Ben nodded and said, "Okay." Audrey kissed his cheek and said, "Goodbye Benny Boo!" Ben smiled and Mason shut his locker, "Hey Benny Boo!" He said smiling. Ben's face lit up and he walked over, "Hey!" he said with a smile. "I made some delicious chocolate chip peanut butter cookies. Do you want one?" Mason said, grabbing it from his bag. "I've got a big game, and I don't eat before a big game." Ben said, smiling. "Thank you though." Mason looked upset and said, "No I get it, don't trust treats from kids of Villains. I guess I'll just eat it." Mason took the cookie out of the zip lock bag but Ben snatched it from his hand and ate it. "This is amazing!" Ben said before finishing it. "Totally toasty." Ben said smiling. Ben's stomach started to fill with butterflies, Evie, Mal, Jay and Carlos watched from a distance. Ben started to sing, "My hearts all flutter, my brain's turned to butter, my forehead is bathed in sweat." Jay walked over and said, "Are you okay bro?" Ben continued singing, "My knees are a quiver, I shake and I shiver. My Stomach's a bit upset! I try but I find that I can't clear my mind. He's all that I'm thinking of! I confess, I'm a mess. I'm completely obsessed." Jay takes Ben's shoulders and says, "Let's get to the game."

"There's only 45 seconds left of the game, and we are all tied up! Who will be able to get that winning shot?" The announcer said. Jay heard this and got the ball he then ran across the field, dodging everything and everyone. Carlos then helped Jay but laying on the floor holding his Shield, Jay then stepped on the shield and launched the ball into the goal just as the timer went off. Auradon Prep had one the game. The whole crowd and team cheered for Jay and Carlos. Ben then walks over and takes the microphone, "Excuse me, excuse me can I have your attention please?" Ben said. The crowd went silent, Mason looked at Evie and Mal looking shocked. "There's something I'd like to say!" Ben said before looking around. "Give me an M!" Ben shouted. Everyone did an M sign and shouted "M!" Ben smiled and said, "Give me an A!" Everyone did an A sign and shouted "A!" Ben did an S sign and said, "Give me an S!" Everyone did an S sign and shouted "S!" Ben did an O N sign and said, "Give me an O N!" Everyone did an O N sign and shouted "O N!" Ben looked at Mason and said, "What does that spell?" Evie smiled and shouted, "MASON!" Everyone then followed and looked at him. "Oh my god!" Mason said shocked. "Come on I can't hear you!" Ben said. Everyone apart from Audrey and Mason shouted "MASON!" Ben smiled and said, "I love you Mason! Did I mention that?" Everyone started to cheer apart from Audrey who ran away. Ben looked at the marching band and said, "Give me a beat!" Doug looked at the band and said, "Uno dos tres cuatro!" A beat started to play and Ben started to sing . "Did I mention That I'm in love with you And did I mention There's nothing I can do And did I happen to say I dream of you everyday? But let me shout it out loud if that's okay" he sang before everyone shouted "Hey!" Ben continued with "If that's ok!" Everyone shouted "Hey!" Ben then started to dance and sing " I met this guy that rocked my world like it's never been rocked And now I'm living just for him and I won't ever stop I never thought that it could happen to a guy like me But now look at what you've done, you got me down on my knees Because my love for you is ridiculous I never knew" Ben got on his knees "Who knew?" everyone shouted, he got up and sang. "That it could be like this My love for you is ridiculous My love is R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S!" Everyone followed with "R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S!" Ben then sang "It's ridiculous! Just ridiculous! And I would give my kingdom for just one kiss Well did I mention That I'm in love with you And did I mention There's nothing I can do And did I happen to say I dream of you everyday? But let me shout it out loud If that's okay" Everyone shouted "Hey!" Ben sang "If that's ok!" Everyone shouted "Hey!" Ben then jumped on the Mascot horse and sang "I gotta know which way to go, c'mon gimme a sign You gotta show me that you're only ever gonna be mine Don't want to go another minute livin' without you 'Cause if your heart just isn't in it, I don't know what I'd do Because my love for you is ridiculous I never knew" Everyone shouted "Who knew?" Ben then got off of the house and sang "That it could be like this My love for you is ridiculous My love is R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S!" Everyone followed with "R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S!" Ben continues singing "It's ridiculous! Just ridiculous! And I would give my kingdom for just one kiss C'mon now! Oh yeah. Yeow! Alright! Alright! Because my love for you is Ridiculous I never knew That it could be like this My love for you is ridiculous My love is R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S!" Everyone followed with "R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S!" Ben then walked onto the bleaches and walked up to Mason."It's ridiculous! Just ridiculous! And I would give my kingdom for just one kiss C'mon now!" Mason looked at him and said, "For just one kiss?" Ben nodded and Mason kissed him. The crowd cheered but Audrey pulled Ben off of Mason. Audrey was holding Chad's hand, she took the microphone and said, "Chad's my boyfriend now. And I'm going to the coronation with him! So I don't need your petty date!" Ben took the Microphone and said, "Mason, Will you go to the coronation with me! Kiss me if yes!" Mason kissed Ben and said, "Yes!" Evie looked at Chad who gave her a dirty look, "Hey Chad, I have your homework." Evie said. "Thanks!" he said but Evie looked at Mal who used magic to ruin it. "Try handing that in!" Evie said smiling. Chad and Audrey walked away. Ben then went back to the team, Mason faced Evie and said, "You know, I feel really sorry for Audrey." Evie looked confused and said, "You do?" Mason looked at her and said, "I do. If she knew how to sew or knew beauty tips, she wouldn't need a man to make her a princess." Evie laughed and said, "I guess I am kinda talented." Mal said, "Kinda? You are most definitely talented." Evie smiled more and said, "Thanks M." The team then lifted Jay up and cheered with him holding the trophy.

Back in Science Class, Evie and Doug are completing the work set by Maurice when Evie starts to look for her mirror. She can't find it anywhere in her purse. "Looking for something?" Maurice said holding her magic mirror but Evie was speechless. "Thank you Chad, I'm glad someone still honours the honour code." Maurice said, Chad looked proud. "It will be my recommendation that you are expelled." Maurice said, smiling a little. Doug stood up and said, "Well she obviously wasn't cheating if she didn't have her mirror, maybe she needed another pencil." Evie looked at him, "Well actually-" she started to say before Doug cut in. "You're not helping. Please?" Maurice looked at them and said, "Since I believe Doug, if you pass this test. I will return your property and let the whole matter drop." An hour later, Evie runs up to Doug who was sitting alone on a bench, she put the test in his eyeline and said, "For the first time, it feels like I'm more than just a pretty face." Evie then sits next to him. "A shocker huh?" He asked looking at her, "You were pretty great in there." Evie said, smiling. "So were you, you got a B+ without the mirror!" Doug said. "And I'm going to get an A on the next test without the mirror." Evie replied. "Maybe we can study together." Doug said, "I'd like that." Evie responded. "Oh my god! I found you!" Mason said looking at her, "Ben just asked me on a... on a... on a date." Mason continued. Evie smiled and said, "We can handle this! Bye!" She kissed Doug on the cheek and walked away with Mason. Doug blushed and smiled.

Evie was adding some blush to Mason's face, "Now I know you have a slight purple tone but that doesn't matter. A little red always helps." Evie said finishing up. "Now do we add lips?" Evie continued. "I'm still a boy E." Mason said smiling, he then stood up and looked in the mirror. "Beware forswear undo my hair" Mason said, his hair got darker and went to the same shade as Audrey's. "But I like the blonde." Mal said walking in, "I wanna be natural, for when we take over Auradon" Mason said smiling. Evie smiled and restyled his hair, Mason looked back in the mirror and said "Wow, I don't like hideous." Evie and Mal looked in the mirror with him, "You look amazing." Evie said. "Now I know you don't like leather but I made you a leather jacket." Evie continued getting it for him. "Evie, I love it!" Mason said putting it on, suddenly somebody knocked on the door. "He's here!" Evie said, smiling, Mason opened the door. Ben stood there shocked, "Wow, I now know the meaning between handsome and beautiful." he said. Mason giggled a little, "I hope you like bikes." Ben said smiling. Mason nodded and said, "Bye guys." He then shut the door and went with Ben.

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