47. Born To Win.

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When jungkook saw y/n fall. He didn't care about anything. Along with others he ran to the edge of the platform. As he saw y/n hit the water. He immediately tgre his coat on yoongi and jumped himself.

No one stopped him, since they knew. He could save her.

"open the lower compartment on the lower floor. We need to pull them out." irene ordered the team leader of the guards pointing at the door and edge on the aquarium brim.

Which was made to have access to the aquarium not like this platform specifically made for torture.

All of them ran out of it. While tow of the guards dragged the bodies of namjoon's guards.

While on the other side. Jungkook gripped y/n immediately and pressed his lips on her to give her some air.

He pulled her out walking to the edge. When namjoon grabbed y/N's ankle from beneath.

Jungkook saw it and tried to push him. But holding y/n and do that too was difficult. since he left the pistol in his coat with yoongi.

Y/n was half unconscious. He then remembers something.

He immediately reaches inside y/N's jacket.

Pulling out a small handgun from her waist. Well hidden under her shirt.

He pulls out and shoots namjoon multiple times.

Who slowly looses grip on y/n.

He never wanted to kill namjoon. But guess what he had no option.

Slowly pulling out of the water he dragged y/n along.

Irene bursts the door open and helps jungkook too. Yoongi still held the over coat.

Jungkook pulls out and lays her on the platform at the edge. He takes deep breathe.

"hyung.. *sigh* namjoon is drowning get him out." he says to the guards who immediately nod and jump in.

Jungkook immediately tries to push water out of y/n and performs cpr on her.

It was not long before y/n coughs water out making jungkook and other sigh in relief.

They saw the guards taking namjoon out.

Jungkook didn't care about it and lifted y/n who widened her eyes.

yoongi immediately put the over coat on y/n and they walk out.

You look hot when angry" ymn says and jungkook glares at her.

He was kind of angry on her.

"I should destroy the water tank. Don't you think." she said and he still didn't respond.

"the people from Lisa's side may come. They are here to kill me. So we should get over with it soon." she says only to get ignored again.

Y/n suddenly pulled out his pistol from inside his gun and pointed at him who just blankly glared.

"talk or I'll shoot." she says and he pauses at his spot.

One hand on the gun, other around his neck. While jungkook holding her in his arms.

"or the one behind you" she says and shoots a bullet behind jungkook. Everyone finches at the sudden shot only to see someone in the corner who just fell from the shot. He had a gun.

Jungkook looked at her with wide eyes "why didn't you tell me, you spot them" he asks.

"just to see you suprised" she mumble back.

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