Chapter 17: It's a Basilisk

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"Hi, Kai!" Ginny ran up to her best friend when she saw her enter Platform 9 3/4 along with Harry, Sirius and Remus. 

"Hey, Gin." Kai hugged her tight, letting go of her trolley. 

"Hullo, Kai, Ginny." Ara approached them with her trolley. 

"Hey." the two chorused. 

"And who's this cuttie?" Ginny asked, noticing the carrier sitting on top of Kai's trunk."

"Oh yeah, this is Jupiter, my new kitten. Sirius, Remus and Harry gave him to me for my birthday yesterday." 

"Speaking of that, I've got something for you that I didn't want to make Crux carry." Ara stated. 

Ginny frowned. "Crux? Who's that?"

"Draco's owl." Ara said shortly. 

"Kai were going to be late!" Harry yelled. 

Kai spun 'round, said a quick goodbye to Moony and Padfoot, before throwing her trunk onto the train, which had already started moving. 

Grabbing Jupiter's carrier, she jumped onto the train. Ara and Ginny were waiting for her in the hallway. 

"Where should we sit?" Ginny asked after they had searched the entire train for an emty compartment. 

"We could go sit with Harry, Hermione and Ron or maybe..." Kai thought outloud. 

"I bet Draco wouldn't mind us sitting with him." Ara stated. She smiled cheekily for a split second. 

"Alright." Kai picked up her trunk in one hand and Jupiter in the other. 

Ara led the way, followed by Kai and finally Ginny. 

"Dray, do you mind if we sit here, everywhere else is full?" Ara asked kindly. 

"Sure, A" he replied, pulling his owl cage off the seat next to him and putting it by his feet. 

Kai sat opposite Draco, Ara next to her, and across sat Ginny.  

There was an acward silence that lasted for about 5 minutes, before it was broken by Ginny.

"Sooooo...let's hear all about this cuttie." 

Kai opened the cage door, and out sprung Jupiter, like a shooting star of grey and white and blue. 

Jupiter landed right in Draco's lap. 

"I think he likes you." Kai smiled. 

Draco blushed, petting the cat that purred in his lap. 

"Ok, so give us a name, background and a nice cherry on the cake." Ginny rubbed her hands together.

"His name is Jupiter-"

"Oooo." Ara ooed, bursting into laughter. 

Ginny and Kai joined in, and soon Draco did too. 

"Anyways," Kai said, trying her very best to stop laughing, "he's half Snow Leopard, and half Kneazle. His birthday is Febuary 2nd and..." 

Kai continued to explain everything she knew about Jupiter's story, watching Jupiter and Draco the whole time. 

It was just so cute and perfect the way he sat there, putting all his focus on Jupiter, who was looking up at him adorably. 

"Earth to Kai, come in, Kai!" Ara waved her hand infront of Kai's face. 

"This is from...tell you later..."-she handed Kai a small green box-"and this is from me". Ara handed yet another box to Kai. 

The gift from Ara included two books, and a bag of candy. The other was carefully wrapped in green paper. 

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