Chapter 11: The Battle of Hogwarts

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Third Person P.O.V.

The Christmas break ended, and school started again. January came 'round, with February nearing, along with it's famous festive day; Valentine's day.

Today, however was still a peaceful January day. January 2nd to be precise.

Kai woke up in her bed to the early rays of sunlight that came through the window of the 1st year girl's dorm.

"Ara's birthday is in a week!" was her first thought of the day.

She jumped out of bed, making sure not to wake up the other girls in her dorm, including Ginny. The thought of Ginny having opened the Chamber left the minds of the quartet, as more important topics took over.

Getting dressed, she rushed out of the dorm and into the common area. It was still 6 in the morning, which was the time she usually woke up at, so most people were still sleeping, I mean after all it was Sunday...

She proceeded downstairs towards the kitchen, and tickled the pear just as Jess had taught her. Running inside she asked the elves for some food which they happily gave her, thanking her and bowing all the time. After all, Kai and Harry had given them a much better life, because while Voldemort was around, house elves were treated horribly. Wolfing down the pancakes with maple syrup, she strode out of the castle and out onto the grounds.

(A/N: the "x" shows approximately where she sat)

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(A/N: the "x" shows approximately where she sat)

"Tempus." Kai took out her wand and muttered the time spell, only to find out is was quarter-past-six (6:15). Reckoning that Hagrid was still sleeping, she strolled towards the lake. She sat down on the grass, leaning against a tree, and began to think... about Ginny...about Sirius and Remus, and how the full moon was only days away...the Chamber...what Malfoy had said...

The young girl was woken from her trance half and hour later by a loud bark coming from somewhere behind her. She turned around to find Hagrid with his boarhound Fang, walking back towards his hut, probably coming back from walking the dog.

Kai quickly got up ran towards the hut. "Hagrid! Hagrid!" she called as she sprinted across the grass towards the half-giant.

"Why 'ello Kai." the Hagrid greeted in his heavy west country accent. Kai caught her breath before saying hello herself.

Hagrid welcomed her into his hut, where he began making tea, while Kai explained why she had come.

"Hagrid, I need a favor from you..." she began.

"Anythin'" Hagrid told her.

"Ara's birthday is next week on Sunday, and I have the perfect gift, it's just I can't get it, because I'm a first year. And I can't ask Harry to go either, 'cause he's also to young. You see, I want to get Ara a kitten...and I know you're great with animals, and you're allowed to go to Hogsmeade and" Kai explained.

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