Chapter 16: Jupiter

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"Bye Hermy, I'll be back after the Hollidays. Happy Easter!" Kai smiled at her petrified friend. She picked up her trunk and walked down to the Entrance Hall, where Harry and Ron were waiting for her. 

"Got everything? Nothing missing? No special jumper or something? No? Wow, this is a record boys! You haven't forgotten something! Hooray!" Kai stated, sarcastically. 

"Oh wait! I've forgotten Scabbers!" Ron exclaimed, he dropped his trunk and ran up the stairs. 

Kai shook her head. Harry simply chuckled. Ron cam back in 3 minutes, panting loudly. He picked up his trunk and the three stepped onto a carriage. 

Kai watched as the bony horse pulled them along. And yes, Kai can see thersterals. 


"Hey Siri!" Kai greeted, jumping into his embrace. 

"Hello Princess." He squeezed her tight. Remus was second in turn. 

"My arm, Kai." Remus demanded, as they entered the deserted alley they always apparated in. Kai held onto his extended arm, pleading herself not to throw up. Closing her eyes, she felt as if her whole body was being squished and smashed like a potato. 

The four landed hard right on the doorstep of 12 Grimmauld Place. Kai and Harry stagered forwards, before both caught their balance back. 

Stepping into the house, Kai ran to her room. She quickly dumped her trunk on the floor and walked to her big bookshelf, which arced over her bed. 

Her bed was made of white wood, and the sheets where white with a cosy green blanket. 

She had a little bed-side table with two drawers

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She had a little bed-side table with two drawers. There was a lamp on the table, and a candle. 

Kai also had a tall plant besides it, which was sitting in a big white pot. She had lots of plants everywhere. 

She had a beigy colored hanging chair, in which she loved to snuggle up and read

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She had a beigy colored hanging chair, in which she loved to snuggle up and read. It was probably her favorite activity in her room. 

Kai loved her room. It was very simple, but beautiful and cosy. 

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